Calm in the Chaos

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'Surprise, surprise,' Andrew chimed in, breaking the trance-like moment that had enveloped Ethan and Lily. Ethan's face displayed a mixture of shock and happiness. His eyes breaking away from Lily's face to Andrew's.

Both Ethan and Andrew, almost in unison, couldn't help but ask, 'How come you're here?'

Ethan gestured for Andrew to speak first, curiosity etched across his face.

'I came to visit your mom and invited Lily along,' Andrew explained, casually draping an arm around Lily's shoulders and giving her a friendly side hug. While Andrew's closeness made Ethan uneasy, he concealed his feelings.

Ethan hesitated for a moment, then shared, 'My cousins are coming over for the holidays, so I'm here to pick them up.' His gaze kept drifting towards the hand Andrew had placed on Lily's shoulder.

Lily, too, began to feel uneasy, partly due to Andrew's hand on her shoulder and partly because of the realization that they had essentially become uninvited guests. Her mind went into a frenzy of over-thinking. She didn't want to impose herself on anyone. Ethan was already expecting guests and now they have come as well. So many things were bothering her and her disappointment and uneasiness was starting to show in her expressions. In an attempt to alleviate the awkwardness, she subtly moved away from Andrew, as if she were reaching for something in her bag, so as not to make him feel out of place. She retrieved a hat from her bag and put it on. Although there was no need for a hat at that time but she just wanted to hide away her emotions. 

Ethan and Andrew moved a little distance away while talking. When Lily finally stood up after closing her bag Andrew came over to her. Ethan behind him, his eyes looking at her in a very subtle way so as not to make her feel uncomfortable. 

'I will go get a carriage. Ethan will come later on with his cousins. Okay?' Andrew said.

'Yeah. It's okay.' Lily whispered. 

As Andrew walked away, leaving Lily alone with Ethan, both of them carried a multitude of unspoken words and questions within them. The silence hung heavy between them, like an invisible weight they couldn't escape. Lily wanted to apologize for her unexpected presence, inquire about Ethan's mother's health, and learn about his past few months, and the bruise on his forehead as well, but the words simply wouldn't come.

Ethan, too, was curious about Lily's first impressions of Everwood, the details of their journey, and how she had been since their last meeting. Yet, they remained rooted in this awkward silence, unable to breach the gap between them.

When they saw Andrew approaching with a carriage in tow, Ethan finally turned towards Lily and broke the silence with a warm and understanding smile. He spoke gently, "I'm delighted to see you here, and I hope you'll come to love this place during your stay." His voice and smile had a calming effect on Lily, easing her anxiety about imposing on him. In response, all she could muster was a heartfelt, "Thank you, Ethan," accompanied by a small, enchanting smile that momentarily quickened his heartbeat. Hearing his name in her melodious voice was a delightful sensation for him.

Ethan yearned to reach out and place his reassuring grip on Lily's shoulders, having sensed her uneasiness moments earlier. Yet, summoning the courage proved difficult.
Ethan found it much more challenging to initiate physical contact compared to Andrew.

While Ethan assisted Andrew in loading the luggage onto the carriage, Andrew, in turn, helped Lily board. Ethan couldn't help but watch them, his apprehension mounting as Andrew held Lily's hand and guided her to her seat.

Andrew inquired about their respective schedules, asking, "So, how long will you be around?"

Ethan checked his watch before replying, "I'll be home in about an hour. The train from Emberfield arrives in ten minutes."

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