Moving On

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Lily returned home with a lot on her mind. She chose not to respond to Ethan's messages, even neglecting to inform him that she had arrived safely. Her silence spoke volumes about the complexities of her emotions and the uncertainties she was facing.

The days following Lily's return to Eldertown were marked by increased communication between Andrew, Ethan, and Olivia. Andrew shared with them that Lily had started to ignore him, and the entire journey from Everwood to Eldertown had been characterized by silence. Two days had passed since their return, and Lily remained unresponsive, not replying to Andrew's messages or answering the door when he attempted to check in on her.

The situation was becoming more concerning, and it was evident that something was amiss with Lily. Her withdrawal and lack of communication were raising alarms among the three of them, especially Ethan. 

Ethan's persistent attempts to reach out to Lily were met with silence and indifference. She left his calls unanswered and left his messages on "seen," further deepening his frustration. The sudden change in Lily's behavior was both perplexing and disheartening for him.

Each passing minute seemed to intensify Ethan's desperation to understand the cause of this abrupt shift in Lily's feelings and her reluctance to communicate. The uncertainty and the emotional distance between them were taking a toll on him, and he yearned for answers to the questions that weighed heavily on his mind.

Ethan's mood swings and emotional turmoil began to take a toll not only on himself but also on his mom and Olivia. He remained silent most of the time and was undergoing insomnia and loss of appetite at the same time. They had never expected Lily to behave in such a seemingly immature and unpredictable manner.

As the days passed, Emily, Sophia, and Amber were preparing to leave as well. Emily, in particular, was feeling content and satisfied with the way the situation was unfolding. She could see that the events were tilting in her favor, and her emotions were tinged with a sense of triumph and anticipation.

In a moment of clarity and determination, Ethan realized that the only person who might benefit from Lily's recent behavior was Emily. This suspicion led him to make a surprising visit to Emily's room on the night before her and her sisters' departure.

'I'm surprised to see you here, Ethan,' Emily remarked as Ethan closed the door behind him.

'I'm equally surprised to find myself here in your room, Emily,' Ethan's voice was hushed and ominous.

He advanced towards the bed where Emily was packing her bag. Emily's heart raced uncontrollably as Ethan drew nearer. So many thoughts ran through her mind that maybe Ethan had come to her to find solace for his broken heart. Maybe he would ask her to comfort him and they would get intimate with each other.

As she thought all this Ethan came to a stop right next to her, leaned in close, and whispered into her ear, 'I know what you are capable of doing, Emily. You might be able to deceive everyone else, but not me. If I ever discover that Lily's behavior is a result of your actions, I swear I won't spare you.'

Ethan straightened up, his expression even more threatening than his words. He gazed at Emily with intensity before making his way towards the door. Placing his hand on the doorknob, he delivered a final, resolute message, 'Stop dreaming about marrying me. I love Lily, and no matter what, I will only marry her. Even if she refuses to marry me, you still won't have a chance.'

With that, Ethan exited her room, leaving Emily in a state of shock and rejection. Tears welled up in her eyes as she grappled with the weight of his brutal rejection. The outcome was not what she had hoped for, and her feelings were left shattered by the encounter.

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