The Blame Game

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 Before Lily could stand or turn around to face Ethan, Ethan said, 'Mom are you okay? Olivia said you were not feeling well.' 

'I am fine Ethan. Don't worry.' his mother replied. Then helping to break the ice between Ethan and Lily she said, 'Look whom we ran into here. Lily.' 

Lily looked up at Aunt Eleanor, then at Olivia and Andrew, and sideways at her father. They all passed understanding smiles towards her. 

Lily rose from her feet slowly, turning to meet Ethan's gaze. His eyes transitioned from his mother to Lily's face, locking onto hers. Though seven years had passed, their emotions for each other remained unchanged. They had often wondered whether time would erode their love, but as they stood there, looking into each other's eyes, they sensed the dormant love stirring once more within them, gently reminding them of its enduring presence.

They stood there silently as minutes passed by. Then Ethan extended his hand saying, 'Hi.' It was a weak greeting; his voice barely audible. Lily hesitated for a split second, then took Ethan's extended hand in hers saying 'Hi' to him in return. Their touch sent the same spark running through their bodies as it was seven years ago.  

So many emotions ran through their minds holding hands with each other at that time. Neither left the other one's hand. It was the same hand that Lily had wanted to hold on to for the rest of her life and it was the same touch that Ethan wanted to cherish and nurture through his love seven years ago. Although Lily's hand was shaking very badly, Ethan's firm grip stabilized Lily at that moment.

Lily's phone started to ring and she left Ethan's firm grip. It was Aiden calling. She looked at her Dad and said, 'Dad stay here. I'll be back soon.' staring at Ethan one last time who was looking from her to her Dad now, she went outside to answer the call. Everyone's gaze followed Lily's swiftly moving figure. 

Thinking in an instant, Ethan looked at everyone and then ran to follow Lily. 

'Andrew, can you take me outside as well? I want to watch them from a distance.' Uncle Adam requested. Olivia and Aunt Eleanor also followed them. 

Lily after discussing a few things with Aiden ended the call. She turned around to see Ethan standing right behind her. 

'So you are a doctor now?' Ethan asked.

'I am in my second last year of Residency.' Lily informed him. They both went silent. Ethan's eyes were fixed on Lily but Lily avoided looking in his eyes.

After a while, Lily said, 'I will go in then.' and started to walk by him when Ethan said, 'Don't you have some explanation to do Lily?' 

Lily stopped in her tracks. Ethan's question had ignited in her a fire that she didn't know had existed before. She turned to face him, her face getting red with the anger that she felt. 

'Do I have to give an explanation? What are you asking the explanation for Ethan?' Lily said, her voice a little higher than she had meant it to be. Ethan was also taken aback by her rage. This was the first time he had seen Lily angry. 

Ethan folded his arms on his chest and said, 'Maybe about why you disappeared seven years ago? Why did you leave your house and Eldertown without leaving a trace? Why did you never reply to any of my calls and messages? Why did you choose to ignore me when I wholeheartedly confessed my love to you? Was it a game for you to play with my feelings that night? Did you consider me some kind of a playboy when we shared my life's first kiss with you? How could you do that to me, Lily?  Ethan's anger and frustration were evident in everything that he spoke. 

Lily's eyes started to fill with tears but she fought hard not to let them fall. 

'What about you then? I admit I disappeared without leaving a trace but did you ever consider how much have you hurt me by sharing my private matters with everyone? I thought we had connected with each other very well. I thought that you were one person with whom I could share everything comfortably. I thought that finally, I had found a person who would accept me for who I was and not judge me because of my family. But what did you do? ,' At this point, Lily's voice cracked as tears started to fall hard and fast from her eyes. She furiously cleared them from her cheek while continuing, 'Did you find it funny that you would go about sharing my family's ugly reality with Emily? Did you get enough gossip that day from me that you went to confide in her out of all the people in your home? 

Hearing Emily's name Ethan's arm fell at his side. He knew Emily had played her part in all this but he never expected her to go this low and use Ethan's name against them. The mystery that had left both Olivia and Ethan puzzled, thinking about who the eavesdropper was at Ethan's room door, was finally solved. It was Emily. 

Lily could no longer talk, she put her hands on her face and started crying uncontrollably. Ethan wanted to hug her and comfort her but he stayed rooted to his place. Rolling his hands into a fist, Ethan left that place, leaving Lily crying outside the hospital. 

From a distance, Andrew, Olivia, Uncle Adam, and Aunt Eleanor had been silently observing their interaction. When Ethan departed, leaving a tearful Lily behind, they exchanged bewildered and shocked glances. They had never thought that Ethan would exhibit such ungentlemanly behavior.

As Andrew was about to go Lily his mobile beeped. It was Ethan's message.

'Bring Mom and Olivia back to your place, and if Lily and her father are being discharged from the hospital, have them come with you too. I need to have a conversation with Emily. Ensure that nobody comes home. And DON'T let Lily leave Everwood.' 

Andrew read the message aloud. Olivia understood that there must be something that Emily had done seven years ago because of which Lily had left. 

Uncle Adam rose from his wheelchair and started walking slowly towards Lily. As he drew nearer, she enveloped her dad in a heartfelt embrace, tears streaming down her cheeks. Uncle Adam stood beside her, gently patting her on the back, offering solace through his words. 'Don't worry, Lily. Everything will be alright,' he reassured her, his voice filled with love and support.

Olivia and her mother went to Andrew's home first taking a carriage and Andrew helped Uncle Adam back in his room. The doctor did not allow him to go home as yet so he had to stay the night at the hospital. Andrew asked Lily to go home and rest for a while but she refused to leave her father's side. 

When Andrew left for his home, Uncle Adam said, 'Tell me Lily. What happened seven years ago? Don't leave in the dark child. Tell me so I can fight for you.' 

LLily made the decision to unburden herself, and she poured her heart out to her father. She revealed everything, starting from her developing feelings for Ethan and how they had formed a deep connection. She shared the story of their emotional bond and how he had been a source of comfort for her, even disclosing their mutual confession of love the night before she had left Everwood. And then how Emily degraded her and told her not to bring Ethan and his family down with embarrassment by associating my family with his. 

With a heavy heart, she also relayed how Emily had claimed that Ethan himself had shared personal information about Lily's family, causing a blow to her trust in him. 

'Did you confirm from Ethan if he really did share the information or not?' Uncle Adam asked. 

Lily shook her head and replied, 'I didn't confirm, but how else could Emily have known about it? Besides, even if Ethan denies sharing it with her, what would that change? What Emily said does make sense. How could I risk bringing shame to Ethan's family, given our family's circumstances?'

'No Lily. You should have asked Ethan about it right away. It would have saved you from the bitterness that you have been feeling towards Ethan for the last seven years. Leave our family aside. Keep this in mind, Lily. Never let a third person control your relationship. As much as I have known Ethan, he doesn't seem to be the kind of person to go and share your matters with everyone. There is more to the story than is meeting the eye.' Uncle Adam said. 

Lily too started to get panicked. Why did she not think about this before? Why did she trust Emily's word more than Ethan's? The anger in Ethan's eyes that she saw today showed how much he was hurt. Was it all really just her fault? 

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