The Destiny Playing it's Part

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The night had already fallen outside, so Andrew suggested that Uncle Adam stay the night at his house.

In the morning, while Andrew and Uncle Adam were having breakfast, the doorbell rang. It was Olivia. Andrew opened the door, and upon seeing that he was not alone, Olivia whispered in his ear, 'I can come back later, Andrew.'

Andrew, however, insisted, 'No, no, come in. Let me introduce you to Uncle Adam.' He held Olivia's hand and brought her to the dining table.

Uncle Adam stood up from his chair and said, 'Uncle Adam, this is Olivia, Ethan's younger sister and my fiancée.'

'Hello, Olivia. Nice to meet you. I am Adam Richardson, Lily's father,' Uncle Adam said, extending his hand forward to shake Olivia's hand.

Olivia was taken aback by this revelation and asked, 'What? Lily's? Are you really Lily's father?' She couldn't believe what she was hearing or seeing. The mention of Lily's name after such a long time left her stunned for a while. Andrew nudged her to take Uncle Adam's extended hand, and she shook it briefly, unable to decide whether to be happy or not to hear about his connection to Lily.

Olivia looked at Andrew her expression demanding answers, so he started to explain, 'Uncle Adam came from Eldertown last night. He wanted to know what happened between Ethan and Lily. He helped Lily to move to a new place upon Lily's request but Lily didn't tell him anything about her life.'  

'I know you must be feeling apprehensive towards Lily dear and maybe towards me as well. But I can assure you one thing, neither me nor Lily had ever meant any ill-will towards any of you. Whatever she did seven years ago, there must be a very strong reason behind it.' said Uncle Adam.

'And we want to find that reason because as far as we know Ethan and Lily are still in love with each other.' Andrew added. 

'How do you know this?' Olivia demanded her tone rather cold. 

'Ethan was in Eldertown yesterday. He wants to purchase Lily's deserted home from Uncle Adam. He went there to visit the place and coincidentally Lily was also there at that time but their meeting was somehow averted.' Andrew explained to Olivia. 

Olivia felt another wave of shock at this new information. 

'This is how Uncle Adam started to investigate their relationship and ended up here last night.' Andrew added. 

'Let her sit first Andrew. She must already be feeling overwhelmed due to my presence.' Uncle Adam said.

Andrew took Olivia's hand leading her to the sofa. As they sat, a phone started to ring. It was Uncle Adam's. 

Ethan's number was flashing on his screen. He showed the number to Andrew and Olivia and answered the call. 

'Hello Ethan?' 

'Hello, Sir. Sorry to interrupt you so early but I just wanted to ask about the room upstairs that I couldn't visit yesterday. If you have lost its keys then I can go and get them made and I can visit it at the same time as well.' Ethan said on the other side.

'I have the keys with me Ethan but I couldn't give it to the driver so he could open the room beforehand. When you plan to visit next time I can open the room for you. And we can close the deal as well.' Uncle Adam said. 

Olivia and Andrew exchanged glances as if they couldn't believe this all. Ending the call Uncle Adam looked at the pair in front of him and asked, 'Now you believe me?' 

Olivia asked a question in response instead, 'What about Lily then?' 

'I know for sure that she has not moved on because of the way she got nervous seeing Ethan yesterday otherwise she wouldn't have lost her calm. But the riddles that are surrounding her can only be solved by her.' Uncle Adam said. 

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