The Unsettling Feeling

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Andrew's voice jolted Lily and Ethan from their trance-like state.

'Hey Ethan, your mom is trying to reach you,' he said, causing both Ethan and Lily to startle, their expressions as if they had been caught in the act of something forbidden.

'Why do you both look so flushed?' Andrew inquired, oblivious to the unspoken tension. 'The room's temperature seems fine. Is everything okay?'

Ethan rose from his seat, saying, 'I'll go call Mom. Excuse me,' and then he left the living room. Andrew sat in his place and asked Lily 'What were you two talking about?'

Lily was looking over at the place where Ethan had just disappeared into. "Oh, just about Everwood. Erm, i will be leaving now Andrew. I have to catchup with some school stuff. I'll see you on Monday then.' Lily said while picking up her things and swiftly leaving the house. 

Andrew was left there puzzled. 

Later that night, neither Lily nor Ethan could find sleep. Their conversation from earlier lingered in their minds, keeping them awake. Tossing and turning in their beds, they both questioned why they had reacted the way they did.

Ethan pondered, 'It was just a simple invitation. There was no need for me to feel so embarrassed about it. Perhaps I should have merely suggested her to visit without being so specific.' Lost in his thoughts, a smile crept onto his face as he recalled the way Lily's eyes had looked—beautiful, deep, filled with wonder.

Meanwhile, in her own room, Lily grappled with her own thoughts, wondering why she had felt so self-conscious about Ethan's invitation. 'He was just being polite, but maybe I should visit Everwood someday' she mused, 'but why did I have to react that way?' Her mind kept replaying the moment, and she couldn't help but smile into her pillow, recalling the sincerity in Ethan's gaze that had left an indelible impression.

Monday marked the start of high school for Lily and the beginning of a new semester for Andrew. Living in the same neighborhood had its perks, and Andrew often dropped Lily off on his way to the university. As they set off that day, Lily couldn't help but wonder about Ethan's whereabouts, though she didn't want to appear too inquisitive. She really wanted to know if he was still at Andrew's place or not.

'Excited for the new year?' Andrew inquired.

'Yeah, kind of. I hope it goes smoothly,' Lily replied. She wasn't the most diligent student, but she also didn't like to slack off. As she sat in the passenger seat, she couldn't resist looking around, hoping for a glimpse of Ethan as they passed Andrew's home. This did not go unnoticed by Andrew. 

'Hey, if you have time, come over to my place after school. I have some study materials for you,' Andrew said, increasing the speed of the car. They were running late.

'Thank you, Andrew. You always help me out,' Lily replied, and they continued the drive in silence.

Meanwhile, Andrew couldn't help but feel curious about what had transpired between Lily and Ethan at the birthday party, causing their unusual behavior. He had noticed a subtle shift in Ethan's actions as well, postponing his plan to return home and gazing out the window on Sunday was just not how he usually acted. It left him feeling unsettled.

'Perhaps it's all just a coincidence, and I'm reading too much into it,' Andrew mused.

As for Ethan and Lily, they were both grappling with their own inner turmoil. Their first impression of each other had kind of hooked their personalities in their respective minds that they could not get rid of it. They yearned to see each other yet hesitated to do so, leaving them both frustrated by the complexity of their feelings. 

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