The Confession

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Ethan returned after a few minutes, and they both quietly stepped out of the house. He suggested, "Let's walk towards the backyard," and indicated the direction to Lily.

A gentle breeze caressed them, and silence enveloped the area. Their footsteps were the only sound they heard on the dewy grass as they walked along the sloping ground. They followed the same path that led to the tunnel within the house's confines. Thinking of the tunnel Lily was reminded of the other day they spent with the animals and a warm smile spread across her face.

'It feels like we arrived here just yesterday, and now it's already time to leave,' Lily mused, gazing at the sky.

Ethan nodded in agreement, saying, 'You know, when you're a resident here, it seems time has stopped. But as a visitor, time really does fly by.'

Ethan continued their conversation, asking, 'Is the shawl warm?'

Lily smiled and replied, 'Yes, it's very warm. I love it.'

Ethan, wanting to keep the conversation going, asked another question, 'What did you like the most here?' He was aware that his questions might seem trivial, but he genuinely wanted to know more about her thoughts and feelings. 

'I liked the mountains the most, then the farm behind your house, the tunnel was mysterious but fascinating, then I loved the food here. The taste seemed much more organic and pure as compared to Eldertown, and since it was made by your mom mostly, it was quite special for me.' Lily counted all the things on her fingers. 

They walked silently for a few minutes then Lily said again, 'Maybe the next time we come, we can visit the mountains again. But of course when the weather is nice you know.' she laughed saying the last sentence.

Ethan enjoyed listening to her, and he laughed as well at the pressure that she put on the good weather. Lily was her carefree self again and he loved this about her. As they continued to walk and talk, Ethan thought to himself, 'Maybe this is my chance to confess my feelings to Lily.' 

Eventually, they found a quiet spot with a bench under a large tree. They sat down, side by side, looking up at the starry sky.

The silence between them was comfortable, and neither felt the need to fill it with words. Ethan was sitting with his at his side on the bench. As Lily put her hands on the bench, they brushed against Ethan's. Lily quickly retracted her hand and was about to say sorry when Ethan grabbed her hand back and put it in his hand, gently intertwining his fingers with hers. A subtle yet electric spark passed between them, igniting their feelings. Lily looked at Ethan unsure what to say. 

Ethan couldn't hold back any longer. He turned towards Lily, his heart pounding, and said, 'Lily, there's something I've been wanting to tell you. I...' He hesitated for a moment, gathering his courage. 'I care a lot about you, more than just a friend. I think I've fallen in love with you. I don't know if it was love at first sight or not, but believe me, I have not been able to take you out of my mind since our first meeting. The more I stay with you, my desire to spend my whole life by your side grows stronger. I do Love you a lot, Lily.' 

Lily's eyes widened, and her heart raced. She looked into Ethan's eyes, feeling a whirlwind of emotions. His eyes spoke of the sincerity that his words were trying to convey. She whispered, 'Ethan, I've been feeling the same way towards you.'

With those words, the tension melted away, and they leaned in, their lips meeting in a sweet and tender kiss. Under the moonlight, in the quiet of the night, they shared their first kiss, sealing the deep connection they had developed during Lily's stay in Everwood.

Their kiss deepened, and a beautiful connection formed between them. 

Ethan's hand gently cupped Lily's cheek, his thumb lightly brushing her skin as they kissed. It was a kiss filled with all the unspoken emotions, the bond they had forged, and the promise of more to come.

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