A Door Separating Them

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The day after her father's suggestion, Lily discussed the idea of transferring to a larger hospital with Aiden. The opportunity seemed promising, and she believed that she could lead a more comfortable life in a bigger city if Aiden were to agree.

'Uncle Adam has a point,' Aiden remarked. 'There isn't much growth opportunity here in this hospital, but I don't know. What do you think?'

Before Lily could respond, her mobile phone rang. It was her father. She signaled to Aiden that she would return shortly and stepped away to answer the call.

'Lily, do you want to keep that house in Eldertown?' her father inquired.

'What do you mean?' Lily asked.

'That neighborhood is becoming somewhat commercialized, and someone has offered me a good price for your house there. If you don't plan to return, we can consider selling it. What do you think?' he inquired cautiously, not wanting to sound materialistic.

Lily had many memories associated with that house. She was uncertain about parting with it but was equally unsure about her eventual return to Eldertown. She wondered if Andrew still lived there or not when her father continued as if reading her mind, 

'I think Andrew has also left this place. Either he has not returned from abroad yet or has moved away because his house is also deserted.' 

Lily requested some time to reflect on her father's suggestions. 'Give me a few days, Dad. I'll let you know soon,' she said before ending the call.

Feeling the weight of her decisions pressing down on her, Lily decided to take a half-day off from work. She needed to find a moment of respite, allowing herself the opportunity to clear her mind and thoroughly contemplate the two significant matters her father had presented to her.

It started to rain in the evening. Sitting by the window, looking at the rain Lily got a flashback of the mountaintop in Everwood. The rain that day had felt different with Ethan by her side. The only picture of her and Ethan that she had with her was actually of that same time. She was sincerely thankful to Olivia for taking that picture in which she was fast asleep on Ethan's shoulder, huddled together on a small rock, holding hands. Lily would often look at that picture. It was a treasure to her. 

'Even if Ethan has moved on and married Emily, I should not risk going back to Eldertown,' Lily thought to herself. The prospect of running into Andrew or any of their friends was daunting, as it would inevitably reopen long-healed emotional wounds. Her internal fear of confronting the past continued to tug at her heart. 

Lily made up her mind regarding her father's suggestions. She decided to let go of her house in Eldertown, but she wanted to retrieve her belongings from there before her dad sold it. As for the idea of transferring to a different hospital, she would discuss it with Aiden one more time. Even if he disagreed, she was willing to accept her father's offer and make the move on her own. 

She informed him of her plan, saying, 'Dad, I want to visit the house. I'll just get some things from there, and then you can do whatever you want with it.'

Her father replied, 'Yeah, that's okay. The buyer will be visiting the house on Friday. If you want to go before that, then let me know. I'll arrange conveyance for you.'

In a rush, Lily responded, "I'll come by train. You don't have to arrange anything. I'll just get my things and leave right away."

Concerned for her, her father tried to dissuade her, saying, "It will get hectic for you, Lily. It's a long way from Eldertown to Meadowside."

But Lily was determined and replied, "I'll manage. I'll ask the driver for the keys as well so you don't have to worry." She hung up the call, determined to make the journey on her own.

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