The Much-Anticipated Visit

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As time continued its relentless march forward, Ethan and Lily's lives unfolded in their respective cities. Days melted into weeks, and weeks seamlessly transitioned into months. Amidst the distance, there remained one common thread through which they could catch fleeting glimpses of each other's lives, even if it was just a small mention of their names. Occasionally, as Andrew dropped Lily off at school, he would dial Ethan's number, initiating casual conversations about university life and more. Lily would overhear Ethan's faint voice through the phone, while Ethan, in turn, would hear Lily's sweet farewell as she stepped out of the car, bidding Andrew goodbye.

They lingered in each other's subconscious minds. While lying in bed at night, their thoughts would often drift back to their two not-so-conventional meetings, and a mixture of embarrassment and amusement would wash over them as they recalled their moments of foolishness and undeniable connection. 

Lily would occasionally find herself asking if a bruise would have appeared or Ethan's forehead or not. Reminiscing about how Ethan appeared after his bath, with his tousled hair and bare chest, causing her ears to flush with color and her smile to broaden. 'He's so handsome, no matter the state he's in,' she would whisper to herself, her heart aflutter with thoughts of him.

As the first term of the school year came to an end, both Andrew and Lily were granted a two-week break from their respective institutions. It was the first day of her holidays when Andrew called Lily.

'Lily, I'm going to Everwood. Ethan's mom isn't feeling well,' Andrew informed her.

'Oh... Is it something serious?' Lily inquired, genuine concern in her voice.

'No, it's not too serious. I suggested he come here for a week to spend the holidays with us, but he mentioned his mom isn't feeling her best, so he might stay with her,' Andrew explained.

'Hmm, that's good,' Lily replied, her disappointment evident that Ethan wouldn't be joining them.

'How about you come with me? You'd have a great time there,' Andrew suggested.

Lily's mind went momentarily numb. "What? Me? To Everwood? I mean, I don't know... Ethan's mom isn't well. It might not be appropriate," she stammered.

'Ethan doesn't know I'm coming either. It would be a surprise for him. Come on. I know you're just going to be lazing around at home doing nothing over the holidays. I'll pick you up in an hour. Pack for at least a week,' Andrew said before hanging up.

Andrew had a knack for coaxing Lily out of her comfort zone and helping her embrace new experiences. As Lily sat there for a good five minutes, her emotions swirled with excitement, nervousness, and anxiety all at once. She couldn't believe she was going to see Ethan again after so many months, and the sensation of butterflies in her stomach only intensified.

On the other end of the situation, Ethan was grappling with a sense of unease. He genuinely wanted to accept Andrew's invitation and spend time with his friends, especially considering the growing anticipation of seeing Lily again. However, that very morning, he received the news that a few of his cousins were planning to visit his family for the holidays. In reality, he knew why his mother had extended the invitation to his cousins – she had her heart set on seeing him married, a desire that had intensified since his father's sudden passing away, a few years earlier. His mother's primary concern was that both he and his younger sister should find happiness and settle down while she was still alive.

Ethan was torn. He didn't want to disappoint his mother, yet he didn't want to turn down Andrew's invitation either. Moreover what made him uneasy was that he had lied to Andrew about his reason as well. He certainly didn't want Lily to misunderstand the situation, even though he chided himself for his own foolish thoughts. After all, there was nothing romantic between them, he reasoned. Why would she even care about his reasons for not coming? These conflicting emotions swirled within him as he contemplated his decision.

The train journey from Eldertown to Everwood stretched on for a seemingly endless five hours. Andrew had chosen the train for its leisurely pace, allowing them to savor the journey as much as the destination. Everwood, with its lushness and greenery, was a place where one often preferred to walk or travel by carriage, contributing to its unique charm.

As they hoisted their bags into the luggage compartment, Andrew couldn't help but exclaim, 'Hey, what did you pack in there? We're only staying for a week, not an eternity. It's so heavy.'

Lily felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment. 'You told me at the last minute that it might get a bit cold there, so I just stuffed a few warm things inside. I didn't want to keep unpacking and repacking,' she explained, extending a hand to assist Andrew.

They settled into their seats, and the rhythmic motion of the train marked the beginning of their journey. Andrew wasted no time and delved into the snacks he had brought for both of them, savoring each bite.

Meanwhile, Lily's thoughts wandered into a daydream. She couldn't help but wonder how Ethan would react upon seeing her in Everwood. Perhaps he was eagerly anticipating their reunion as much as she was. Yet, a nagging doubt persisted: why would he be excited to see her? After all, they weren't in love with each other. Lost in her thoughts, Lily eventually drifted into a peaceful slumber.

Lily slept soundly for most of the journey, only to be gently awakened by Andrew when they were a mere 20 minutes away from Everwood.

'You missed all the scenic views, Lily. You really don't know how to enjoy... didn't you get any sleep last night?' Andrew remarked, his tone tinged with a touch of frustration. 'You never know when you'll get to see all this again.'

Lily peered outside, and the sight that greeted her was nothing short of breathtaking. Towering, lush mountains, and an expanse of clear blue skies stretched as far as the eye could see. It was a stark contrast to the pollution-laden city she was accustomed to. She marveled at the pristine beauty of Everwood, a place she had never imagined could exist in reality.

Lily took a moment to freshen up, gracefully tying her hair into a beautiful braid that accentuated her innocent facial features. She applied just a touch of makeup to present herself in the best light. Her thoughts oscillated between affirmations that she wasn't doing this for Ethan and her desire to look her best in front of him.

She chose to wear a long, flowing dress that draped gracefully to her ankles, cinched at the waist with a loose belt that highlighted her petite figure. As the chill in the air began to settle, she retrieved a shawl from her bag and draped it over her shoulders, completing her ensemble. Her overall look could be likened to a figure from Elizabethan England, and even Andrew couldn't help but admire her appearance, offering a genuine compliment with a smile, 'You look different, but it suits you well.'

As they disembarked from the train, Andrew handed Lily a basket of fresh fruits, which he had prepared as a gift for Ethan's mother.

'This will complete your look,' he teased with a chuckle.

Lily brushed off the comment, her curiosity growing as she asked, 'Is Ethan's place far from here? And where are we going to stay?' It was Andrew's response that left her feeling uneasy. 'At Ethan's place, of course. It's not too far from here, just a half-hour carriage ride or an hour's walk.'

The sky above them painted a mixture of blue, orange, and red hues, signaling the approach of sunset as Ethan headed toward the station's exit to pick up his cousins at 4 in the evening.

Ethan had almost reached the station's gate when he suddenly halted in his tracks. His heart raced in his chest as he couldn't believe his eyes. There, descending the station's stairs, was Lily, bathed in the golden light of the evening. She looked picture-perfect, her presence like a breath of fresh air, spreading hope and delight wherever she went. Onlookers couldn't help but admire her, and Ethan wondered if he might be hallucinating. How could Lily possibly be here?

Overwhelmed, he closed his eyes momentarily. That's when Lily and Andrew spotted him. They approached Ethan, who stood with his eyes closed, and Andrew called out his name, 'Ethan?'

Ethan opened his eyes, and they locked onto Lily's. After so many months, their eyes met once again, and in that moment, it felt like an unspoken communication transpired between them. Andrew stood between them, unaware of the powerful connection that had just rekindled. 

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