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At the soul police station...

Yoongi, Taehyung, and Eunwoo made their way out of Jungkook's house and headed towards the police station. As they walked, Yoongi couldn't help but voice his concerns.

Yoongi's eyebrows furrowed in concern as he watched Eunwoo take his seat at the police station. "Eunwoo, you don't know how Jungkook is," he said. "I'm worried about Yn."

Eunwoo sighed and leaned back in his chair. "But Yoongi, I've seen Yn recently and she seemed fine," he said. "And besides, she's Jungkook's wife. We can't really interfere in their relationship."

Yoongi crossed his arms and glanced at Taehyung, who had remained mostly silent throughout the conversation. "Tae, what do you think?" he asked.

"I don't know," Taehyung shrugged. "It's hard to say without more information."

Eunwoo nodded in agreement. "Exactly. We don't know what's going on behind closed doors."

But Yoongi couldn't shake the feeling of unease that sat heavy in his chest. "I just have a bad feeling about this," he said. "I don't think we should ignore it."

Suddenly, Eunwoo's phone rang, interrupting their conversation. He answered it and listened for a moment before hanging up with a sigh. "That was HQ," he said. "They want us to head back to the office."

As they walked out of the police station, but Yoongi couldn't help the niggling feeling of doubt that lingered within him. He was determined to get to the bottom of things and make sure that Yn was truly okay as he want her back in any cost.

As Yoongi drove towards his house, his mind was consumed by thoughts of Yn. He couldn't help but worry about her and their unborn child. Taehyung, sitting beside him, observed Yoongi's troubled expressions. He, too, was concerned about Yn's safety.

Once they arrived at Yoongi's house, he parked the car and both of them stepped out. The weight of their worries was palpable in the air. Yoongi sank onto the couch, exhaustion evident on his face, and laid his head back. Taehyung continued to observe his friend, understanding the turmoil he was going through.

Taehyung's voice seemed distant as he spoke, "Yoongi Hyung, I can't stop thinking about Yn. I'm so worried about her and our unborn child. It kills me that we can't do anything, and even the police can't help us."

Yoongi nodded in understanding but couldn't find any words of reassurance. With a heavy heart, Yoongi got up from the couch and silently made his way to his room, his mind still filled with thoughts of Yn's safety. Taehyung watched him leave, feeling helpless and lost.

Knowing that his presence wasn't offering any comfort, Taehyung decided to leave the house, hoping that some time alone would help him gather his thoughts. He stepped outside, the cool evening breeze washing over him, but his mind remained scattered with concerns for Yn.

As he walked along the empty street, Taehyung contemplated the situation they found themselves in. They were all desperate to protect Yn from the looming danger, but it seemed like their hands were tied. Frustration brewed within him, a constant reminder of his inability to shield the person he cared about.

Time Skip At Night....

The darkness of the night matched his somber mood as he continued his solitary stroll, lost in his thoughts. The silence of the night offered no answers, only intensified the fear and worry that consumed him.

The dawn broke, casting a warm glow upon the city, but Taehyung's heart remained heavy. He knew that Yoongi would still be ridden with anxiety, unable to find solace until Yn and their unborn child were safe.i

With a determined expression, Taehyung retraced his steps back to Yoongi's house. He knew that standing by Yoongi's side, even if they couldn't directly change their circumstances, would offer a small comfort in their shared worry. Together, they would face whatever obstacles lay ahead, united in their love for Yn and their determination to protect her and their unborn child at any cost.

On The Other Side....

Jungkook had decided to surprise yn by cooking for her. She was sitting in bed, anxiously hoping that Yoongi would come and save her from this fake, lovey-dovey situation with Jungkook. She knew that Jungkook's behavior towards her was just an act, and she couldn't bring herself to believe in his fake affection.

Suddenly, the door creaked open and yn turned to see Jungkook entering the room. He had a smile on his face and cheerfully announced, "Baby, come! The food is ready."

However, yn wasn't hungry and she couldn't pretend to be enjoying this charade any longer. She told Jungkook, "I'm not hungry, Jungkook."

Jungkook's smile quickly faded, and anger started to build up inside him. He tried to control his emotions and pleaded with yn, "Please, yn, don't make me repeat myself. It would be better for you to come and eat."

Feeling scared, yn reluctantly nodded and allowed Jungkook to help her walk towards the dinner table. They both sat down, and Jungkook served her the food he had prepared.

As she took a hesitant bite, yn couldn't help but feel a tinge of sadness. This intimate dinner was nothing more than a facade. She wished for the genuine affection and care she had hoped to receive from Jungkook, but it was clear that their relationship was far from what she had imagined.

Despite the disappointment, yn forced herself to eat, not wanting to further provoke Jungkook's anger. The atmosphere was tense, and the silence spoke volumes about the underlying tension between them.

In that moment, yn silently prayed for Yoongi or anyone who could provide her with a way out of this loveless charade. She desperately longed for someone who would truly see and love her for who she was, not as a convenient plaything in someone else's game.

As the dinner came to an end, both yn stood up from the table. No words were exchanged, and she both returned to their respective places in the room. The air was heavy with unspoken words and unfulfilled desires.

yn couldn't help but wonder how long she could endure this facade before it became too much to bear. She knew that she deserved more than just an empty act of love from Jungkook. And with that realization, a glimmer of hope ignited within her - a hope that one day she would find the genuine love and happiness she had always yearned for.


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