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As Yn wiped away her tears, memories of how Jungkook had treated her flooded her mind. She had endured the pain silently, without confiding in anyone. Just as she began to compose herself, the doorbell rang, interrupting her thoughts. Her heart skipped a beat as she wondered if it could be Jungkook returning.

With a trembling hand, she slowly made her way to the door. As she turned the knob and pulled it open, her tear-stained eyes widened in surprise. It was not Jungkook standing in front of her, but Yoongi,  A small smile escaped Yoongi's lips as he looked at Yn, his eyes filled with concern.

"Am I late?" Yoongi asked softly, his voice laced with worry.

Yn's smile, although faint, showed gratitude, and she replied, "No, you're not."

As Yoongi stepped inside, Yn closed the door gently behind her. The atmosphere became more serene as she led him to the living room. They settled on the couch, creating a comfortable space to talk.

Without prompting, Yoongi could sense the depths of her pain. He leaned forward, his gaze locked with Yn's as if searching for understanding. "You don't have to say anything if you're not ready," he reassured her. "But I'm here to listen."

A brief moment of hesitation filled the room before Yn began to whisper her story with a trembling voice. She explained how she had been hurting for so long, keeping it all hidden behind closed doors. She poured out the details of how Jungkook had treated her, the emotional toll it had taken on her, and the invisible scars she carried.

As Yn spoke, Yoongi listened intently, his eyes filled with empathy and compassion. He didn't interrupt or judge, but instead, offered a sympathetic ear for her to confide in. They sat in silence for a while, the weight of Yn's story hanging in the air, as she found solace in finally sharing her pain with someone who cared.

Yoongi broke the silence, his voice gentle yet firm. "You've carried this burden alone for too long, Yn, because of me." he said, his eyes filled with determination. "You deserve to be treated with kindness and respect. You deserve to be happy. Today I promise you that I will never leave you alone and take care of you and child. I will love both of you till mine life."

The sincerity in Yoongi's words struck a chord within Yn's heart. It was a reminder that she was not alone, that there were people who cared for her well-being. She felt a flicker of hope ignite in her chest, pushing away the darkness that had consumed her for so long.

With tears welling up in her eyes once again, Yn reached out and clasped Yoongi's hand, grateful for his presence in that moment. No longer burdened by silence, she was ready to face her pain head-on, knowing that Yoongi would be there to support her every step of the way.

Together, they sat there, the echoes of Yn's tears mingling with the faint promise that, with Yoongi at her side, she would find the strength to rebuild her shattered heart and rediscover her own worth.

Time Skip After 7 month...

As the days, weeks, and months passed, Yoongi took great care of Yn during her pregnancy. He made sure she didn't have to cook or do any household chores, taking on those responsibilities himself. Now, Yn was seven months pregnant, and Yoongi continued to be attentive and loving towards her.

In morning, Yoongi was in the kitchen, cooking breakfast for both of them when suddenly his phone buzzed. It was his manager calling, informing him that his album had been released and that he needed to sign some papers. Yoongi replied with an affirmative, saying he would come right away. After ending the call, he quickly finished setting the table.

Yn slowly made her way towards the dining table, and Yoongi immediately went to help her. He gently held her hand, supporting her as she walked slowly. Carefully, he guided her to the chair and helped her sit down. They then began to enjoy their breakfast together.

After they finished eating, Yoongi turned to Yn and said, "Yn, I have some important work to take care of. I'll be back soon, okay? Please take care of yourself while I'm gone." Yn smiled and nodded, understanding that Yoongi had commitments to attend to.

With a final goodbye, Yoongi left the house, ensuring that Yn was comfortable and safe before he went on his way. Yn sat there, feeling grateful for Yoongi's love and care throughout her pregnancy. She knew she was in good hands and trusted that he would return soon.

As the doorbell rang after an hour, Yn's face lit up with a smile, thinking that Yoongi had returned. She took slow steps towards the door, eager to see him. However, her smile quickly faded when she opened the door and saw Jungkook standing there.

Yn's voice trembled as she questioned, "Jungkook! Why are you here? I told you to leave!" But before she could finish her sentence, Jungkook interrupted her, his expression serious. He said, "Yn, your dad is in the hospital."

Yn's heart dropped, and she gasped, "What?! How did this happen?" Jungkook replied, "I don't know all the details. Your mom called me this morning and said they were at the hospital. Your dad wants to see you."

Yn's mind went blank, and tears welled up in her eyes. She pleaded, "Please take me there, Jungkook." Understanding the urgency and concern in her voice, Jungkook nodded, offering his support.

Yn quickly exited the house and sat in the car, her emotions overwhelming her. Jungkook closed the car door, a smirk appearing on his face. His plan had worked, and he was pleased with himself. He got into the driver's seat and started to drive away.


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