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After a week....

It had been weeks since anyone had seen or heard from Jungkook. His friends were all very concerned and couldn't understand why he was isolating himself. Taehyung and Jimin had tried to visit him at his home, but he refused to open the door and asked them to leave him alone.

As they sat around discussing the situation, Namjoon spoke up. "I'll go visit him. Maybe he'll talk to me and we can figure out what's going on."

Taehyung nodded in agreement. "Please try and convince him to talk to us. We're all worried about him."

Yoongi, who had been quiet until now, finally spoke up. "I'll come with you, Namjoon. I think it's better if we all go together. Maybe he'll be more willing to talk if he sees that we're all there for him."

Everyone agreed, and the group made plans to go visit Jungkook the next day. They hoped that they could get through to him and understand what was going on.

When they arrived at Jungkook's house, they found him sitting alone in his room. He looked pale and tired, and he was drunked and he was not in he's sence. they could tell that he hadn't been taking care of himself.

"Jungkook, please talk to us," Namjoon said in a gentle voice. "We're all worried about you."

Jungkook hesitated for a moment before finally opening up to them. " leave me alone!"

"Jungkook, talk to us," Yoongi said in a calm voice. "We're all here for you and we want to help you work through whatever is going on."

Jungkook just glared at him and replied, Jungkook sighed heavily, his frustration and sadness evident in his voice. "I... I've fallen in love," he confessed, his gaze fixed on the floor. "It's that girl I kissed. I can't get her out of my mind, and it's driving me crazy."

His words hung heavy in the air, and everyone exchanged glances, unsure of how to react. Jin, always the voice of reason, spoke up. "Jungkook, you know what you did with her in the past. Are you sure she's going to feel the same way after everything that happened?"

Jungkook looked up, his eyes filled with determination. "I know what I did was wrong, but my feelings for her are real. I can't help but love her, and I want to be with her. I need to make things right."

The room fell into a heavy silence as everyone processed Jungkook's words. They understood his emotions, but they also knew the consequences of his actions. They tried their best to reason with him, pointing out the potential complications and hurt it could cause. But Jungkook seemed unwilling to listen, his mind clouded by his overwhelming love for this girl. " Jungkook try to understand th--" Namjoon was cut by jungkook's words.

" I don't want to understand anything, I love her that's it and I want her in any cost." He said in Frustrated and at a loss of what to do, Jungkook abruptly stood up and stormed out of the room, leaving everyone in a state of concern and confusion. They exchanged worried glances, realizing the gravity of the situation. They knew they had to find a way to help their friend, to guide him through the storm of emotions he was experiencing.

Yoongi's initial reaction was one of shock and disbelief. He couldn't believe that his own brother had fallen in love with the person he loved . It completely caught him off guard and left him feeling a mix of confusion, anger, and betrayal. As he processed the situation, a surge of negative emotions washed over Yoongi, making it hard for him to find words. He was unable to understand but he didn't said this to anyone that y/n is his girlfriend.

With heavy hearts, they dispersed, each contemplating on how to approach the delicate situation and provide the support Jungkook needed. They understood that love could be a powerful force, but they also knew that sometimes, tough decisions had to be made for the sake of everyone involved. After that they all left from there leaving jungkook in that situation.

Jungkook was in his bedroom, Jungkook's gaze fixated on the window as he watched his friends depart from his house. Frustration and disappointment welled up inside him, evident in the way he clenched his fists. Taking a deep breath, he reached for a glass and poured himself a drink, hoping to find solace in its numbing effect.

As the liquid trickled down his throat, Jungkook mumbled to himself, the words barely audible. "I thought my plan would work on them, but it seems I've underestimated their resolve. No matter, I have a second plan that will surely succeed," he said, a hint of determination creeping into his voice.

A sly smirk played on his lips as he contemplated his next move. "Yoongi hyung, just wait and watch how I make her mine," he whispered, the words laced with a mix of confidence and defiance. "You won't be able to do anything about it."

As Jungkook plotted his next move, he couldn't help but feel determined to win over the girl he had his eye on. Jungkook's mind raced with strategies and schemes, his desire to win over the person he had set his sights on burning brighter than ever. With unwavering determination, he vowed to make the second plan a resounding success, leaving no room for doubt or failure.

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