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Yn expressed her gratitude to her dad for supporting her, and he left her room. She felt a sense of relief knowing that her dad would handle the situation and stand by her decision.

A smile crept onto her face as she remembered that she wanted to talk to Yoongi. But then, as she reached for her phone, she noticed a message from Yoongi. The words on the screen hit her like a ton of bricks: "Let's just break up!"

Her heart sank, and a flood of emotions washed over her. Confusion, sadness, and disbelief clouded her mind. She couldn't understand why he would want to end their relationship. As she continued reading his message, her eyes welled up with tears.

"You have to forget about us, Yn," he continued. "He is good for you. He loves you. And please, forget about me. Don't contact me."

Her mind raced, trying to make sense of it all. Who was he referring to? And why did he think someone else was better for her? The weight of his words felt heavy on her shoulders.

"Just think it was a dream," he pleaded. "Believe me, he will love you more than me. Please forgive me."

Yn's heart sank as she read Yoongi's message. The words pierced through her like daggers, leaving her feeling confused and hurt. She couldn't believe that he wanted to break up with her and was asking her to forget about him. Tears welled up in her eyes, and she felt a mix of sadness and anger.

Unable to contain her emotions, Yn reached for her phone and immediately called Yoongi. However, to her dismay, all she heard was a message saying that she couldn't reach the call. It felt like another blow, intensifying her feelings of despair.

Yn took a deep breath, trying to gather herself. She knew she had to find a way to move forward, even though it seemed like her world was falling apart. She wiped away her tears and decided to take some time alone to process everything.

As Yn's tears continued to flow, she felt an overwhelming need for comfort. In her distraught state, she reached out to Jhope, hoping he could provide some solace. As Jhope answered the call, Yn's voice trembled with sadness.

"Oppa," she whispered, her voice shattered, "can you please tell me where Yoongi is? He's not picking up my calls."

Concern filled Jhope's voice as he responded, "Yn, he's on a flight to Japan. Didn't he tell you? I thought he had informed you."

Yn's heart sank even further, the realization hitting her like a ton of bricks. She remained silent for a moment, trying to process the information. How could Yoongi leave without telling her? The pain of his actions felt unbearable.

Jhope, sensing her pain, urged her to speak. "Yn, are you okay? Why are you crying? Please tell me what happened."

Unable to contain her emotions any longer, Yn choked back a sob as she poured her heart out. "Oppa, I can't believe Yoongi would do this to me. He cares about his friend, like a brother, but he didn't care about me or my feelings."

Her tears flowed uncontrollably as she struggled to find the words to express her hurt and confusion. She had trusted Yoongi with her heart, only to be left feeling abandoned and forgotten.

Jhope's voice softened as he tried to console her. "I'm so sorry, Yn. I wish I could explain why he made that decision. But please remember that you deserve someone who will prioritize your feelings and make you a priority in their life."

Yn couldn't help but feel a mix of anger, sadness, and betrayal. Her heart ached for the love she had lost, and for the pain she was enduring. She couldn't understand how someone she had shared so much with could suddenly turn their back on her.

Unable to bear the conversation any longer, Yn abruptly ended the call. As she sat there, thoughts swirled in her mind. She couldn't understand why Yoongi would suddenly want to end their relationship. They had shared so many beautiful moments together, and she thought their love was strong. The pain of his words echoed in her heart, making her question her own worth and the validity of their connection.

But amidst the confusion, Yn found a glimmer of strength. She realized that she couldn't force someone to love her or stay in a relationship if they didn't want to. It was painful, but she understood that she had to respect Yoongi's wishes, as much as it hurt her.

Slowly, Yn began to accept that this chapter of her life had come to an end. It was a difficult realization, but she knew that she deserved someone who would choose her without hesitation, someone who would stand by her side through thick and thin.

With renewed determination, Yn made a promise to herself. She would heal from this heartbreak and move forward, focusing on her own happiness and growth. She would surround herself with the love and support of her friends and family, leaning on them during this challenging time.

Yn understood that healing would take time, and there would be moments of sadness and longing. But she also knew that she would emerge stronger and wiser from this experience. She would learn to love herself and believe in her own worth, knowing that the right person would come along when the time was right.

her sobs echoing through the empty room. She cried throughout the night, feeling the weight of her shattered dreams and broken heart. In that moment, Yn made a silent vow to herself. She would pick up the pieces of her broken heart, learn to love herself again, and move forward. It wouldn't be easy, but she was determined to find happiness and heal from the pain inflicted by Yoongi's actions.

On The Other Side....

Jhope's heart felt heavy as he sat on the couch, his mind filled with the weight of the situation. Taehyung, noticing Jhope's somber expression, approached him with curiosity.

"Hyung, what happened?" Taehyung asked, his voice laced with concern.

Jhope looked up at Taehyung, his eyes reflecting his sadness. "Taehyung, Yoongi didn't inform Yn about his trip to Japan. Instead, he messaged her to break up and never contact him again."

Confusion washed over Taehyung's face as he tried to process the information. "Wait, who is Yn and why did Yoongi message her? I didn't even know he was in a relationship."

Jhope realized that Taehyung was unaware of Yoongi's involvement with Yn, so he took a deep breath and began to explain everything to his fellow bandmate.

"Yn is someone who Jungkook loves," Jhope disclosed, his voice filled with regret. "She was in a relationship with Yoongi, but it seems Yoongi didn't prioritize their relationship and decided to end things abruptly."

Shock washed over Taehyung's face as he struggled to comprehend the revelation. "Wait, you mean Jungkook's love interest is Yn? And she was with Yoongi? This is unbelievable!"

Jhope nodded, his gaze filled with sorrow. "Yes, Taehyung. It's a complicated situation, and I'm afraid it has caused immense pain and confusion for everyone involved."

Taehyung's mind raced, trying to make sense of the tangled web of emotions. He couldn't fathom how such a close-knit group of friends had ended up in such a heartbreaking situation.

As the weight of the truth sunk in, Taehyung's shock turned into a mix of concern and empathy. He knew that Jungkook's heart would be shattered upon learning about Yoongi's actions, and Yn's pain must be unimaginable.

In that moment, Taehyung made a silent vow to be there for his friends, to provide support and understanding in their time of need. He understood the importance of compassion and friendship, especially during difficult times like these.

Together, Jhope and Taehyung sat in silence, contemplating the complicated relationships and the emotional turmoil that lay ahead. They knew that they had to navigate through the storm and find a way to mend the broken hearts within their group, one step at a time.


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