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Time Skip At Night.....

In the darkness of the night, Yoongi and y/n had planned to meet at their usual spot. As Yoongi patiently waited, he found himself lost in his thoughts. He couldn't help but think about Jungkook, who had recently confessed his love for y/n and even kissed her. It was a painful realization for Yoongi, as he secretly harbored feelings for y/n himself.

Just as Yoongi was deep in thought, someone suddenly approached him from behind and covered his eyes. Yoongi recognized the familiar touch and couldn't help but smile. "Guess who?" the person whispered playfully.

With a soft chuckle, Yoongi replied, "I know it's you, y/n." His heart skipped a beat as he turned to face her, greeted by her beautiful smile. She gracefully took a seat beside him, radiating warmth that melted away the heaviness in Yoongi's heart.

They sat together in comfortable silence for a moment, appreciating each other's presence. Yoongi finally gathered the courage to speak, his voice laced with vulnerability. "I've been thinking a lot lately," he confessed, his eyes locked with hers. "About us, about what I feel."

Y/n's expression turned gentle and attentive, encouraging him to continue. Yoongi took a deep breath, his words spilling forth with a mix of nervousness and determination. "I know I've been distant, for you because of my music but today I think we should get married. "

A flicker of surprise crossed y/n's face, followed by a soft smile. "Yoongi, really,oh I'm so happy ahhh!" she admitted, her voice filled with sincerity. "Wait are you joking with me hah? "

Yoongi looked at her with a smile on his face and said, " No I'm not joking, y/n. I promise you that after the party next week, we will get married. So, I'm completing my promise."

Y/n's face lit up with happiness and she hugged Yoongi tightly. She couldn't believe that her dreams were finally coming true. Yoongi kissed her forehead and said, "I will do anything to make you happy, y/n."

NEXT DAY......

At BigHit company....

Yoongi, Namjoon, Jin, and J-Hope were gathered in a room, deeply engrossed in a discussion about their music with their manager. The atmosphere was focused and filled with creative energy when suddenly, Namjoon's phone buzzed, indicating an incoming call. He quickly excused himself and stepped away to answer.

"Hello?" Namjoon spoke into the phone, his voice tinged with concern. It was Jimin on the other end of the line, his voice filled with urgency. He relayed the shocking news that Jungkook had suffered a nerve injury and was currently hospitalized. Namjoon's eyes widened, and he couldn't help but shout in disbelief, "What?!"

The others in the room turned their attention towards Namjoon, sensing something was wrong. He quickly ended the call with Jimin, his mind racing with worry. Gathering his thoughts, Namjoon hurriedly shared the distressing news with the rest of the members.

"Jungkook's been injured," Namjoon declared, his voice heavy with concern. The room fell into a stunned silence as everyone processed the gravity of the situation. Without wasting another moment, they all sprang into action, determined to be by Jungkook's side during this difficult time.

Leaving their discussion behind, Yoongi, Namjoon, Jin, and J-Hope rushed out of the room, their collective worry evident. The urgency in their movements reflected the deep bond they shared as a group. They knew that supporting their injured member was their top priority.

As they made their way to the hospital, a mix of emotions filled the air - worry, fear, and a strong sense of unity. They were prepared to stand by Jungkook's side, offering him the support and strength he needed during his recovery.

As they reached in the hospital they all saw jimin and Taehyung out from the room. As they went towards them.

"How could this happen?" Namjoon asked, his voice shaking. "Why did you cut his nerve? Do you know what could've happened?"

"We don't know," Taehyung said, shaking his head. "He just call us and said he couldn't take it anymore."

As they entered the hospital room to see Jungkook, they couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness. They were confused about it that why jungkook did this but they had never thought that it would lead to something like this.

As they approached the bed, Jin saw that Jungkook's arm was wrapped in bandages, a stark reminder of what he had done to himself. Jungkook was lying on the hospital bed, his face pale and his eyes closed. Jimin and Taehyung were sitting next to him, their faces filled with concern.

"Jungkook, why did you do this?" Namjoon  asked gently. As jungkook opened his eyes and look at everyone But Jungkook just stared back at him, his eyes cold and unreadable.

Jin stared at Jungkook with a mix of concern and confusion as he asked. "Jungkook, what happened? Why did you cut your nerves?" he asked, his voice filled with worry.

Jungkook's gaze remained blank, his emotions hidden behind a stoic expression. "Because I can't live without her," he replied, his voice tinged with a hint of desperation. "She has become everything to me, Hyung. I love her with all my heart, and I can't imagine a life without her."

Jin's desolate look deepened as he spoke, his voice laced with a hint of sadness. "You know very well what you did to her, Jungkook," he said softly, his words filled with weight. "You misbehave with her, and it's not something that can be easily forgotten."

Jungkook's voice trembled slightly as he acknowledged his actions. "I know, Hyung, and I regret it deeply," he admitted, his voice filled with remorse. "But I can't bear the thought of living without her. She means everything to me."

As everyone tried to reason with him, to make him understand the consequences of his actions, Jungkook remained stubborn and unyielding. He couldn't hear their words or comprehend their concerns. All he could think about was the love he had for her, and the unbearable pain of being apart from her.

One by one, everyone left the room, their hearts heavy with worry for their friend. They hoped that Jungkook would eventually come to his senses and realize the gravity of his actions. But for now, all they could do was give him space to reflect and hope that he would find a way to mend the broken pieces of his heart and heal the wounds he had caused.

As they all were talking about jungkook when suddenly doctor came towards them and said. " are you came to see the person.

As everyone nodded "How bad is it?" Jin asked, turning to the doctor who had been assisting Jungkook.

"It's a deep cut, but we were able to stitch it up," the doctor said, her voice calm and professional. "You'll need to keep it bandaged for the next few weeks, but with proper care, it should heal without any problems."

Jin nodded, feeling relieved. "We'll make sure to take good care of it," he said, turning back to them.


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