Chapter 29: A Large Threat

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A/N: Now this Chapter will be where every Demon will be Dynamaxing, related to the Events of Pokémon Sword and Shield and in the Journeys series, which is also related.

Somewhere in the middle of Dimensions, Sir Pentous was looking around the machinery and seeing it overheating or not working. He then just started hitting stuff with anger.

Sir Pentous: C'mon, you large pile of junk! Why won't you work well?! I gave this thing more than enough!

As he kept slamming stuff around, some Egg Bois came over to their boss.

Egg Boi 1: Hey Boss, how's it going?

Pentous threw some metal at the Egg Boi who just asked him that question, as the others saw their boss was on edge.

Egg Boi 2(now 1): I guess this would be a bad time to ask?

Sir Pentous: Not in the slightest, you fools! I mean I've been sucking up many Yo-Kai and Demon Mana, and this thing still won't work! How are things going baddly?

They saw their boss was that mad and decided to comfort him, but that was a mistake as another was then cracked by their bosses Tail.

Egg Boi 2(now 1): S-So, what kind of juice would this thing need? Please don't crack me!

The Egg Boi then shivered as Sir Pentous then slithers passed him.

Sir Pentous: As you might of not known, around Springdale and under it, their lived the Tomb belonging to the most Powerful Demon that can caused the very Demons to grow larger in their own size! Unfortuantly, the location to the tomb was lost many years ago!

The Egg Boi was thinking about the legendary power his boss was after, thinking their power could charge the weapon up quicker.

Egg Boi: How will you know how to find it?

Once he asked that, Sir Pentous then smashed him his using his tail.

Sir Pentous: It's simple, you simpleton! After that Blackevoir was sent to the Human world, he was greeted by many Large Demons, so if he did meet those Kind of Demons...

He then saw the smashed and yoke remains of the last Egg Boi.

Sir Pentous: ... Then he'll show us the location to the Demon and I'll have all the power I could ever have! And can someone bring me more Egg Bois?!

He realised he said his plans by himself.

*Insert Intro*

A Big Issue

Inside the Shadowside world and after obtaining many Demons on his mission to save Helluva, Kyle was looking at the many Keystones he has in the Arkchives.

Kyle: Maybe at this rate, everyone will be learning that the Human world isn't for them to rule over.

Inkurella: If that was the case.

Kyle pushed the small hime off the bench they were sitting on.

Inkurella: I mean I was kidding, but that doesn't give you the option to push me off!

Kyle just stretched.

Kyle: Sorry, I'm just on edge for everything that's happening, protecting Summer and the others... coming to the Human world and back!

Inkurella heard what he was complaining about, as she may of cracked it.

Inkurella: I'm guessing due to you coming back here must have made you tired? Why not live in the Human world?

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