Chapter 28: Princess Problems

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A/N: I was thinking of this Chapter to be around the Dynamax problem, but I completely forgot about Ayame being inspirited and telling Douketsu and Shutendoji about Kyle knowing who the Princess is. I know this is completely random, them forgetting about Summer being the Princess, but they sort of lost track from that.

Back at the High School in the Shadowside world, the Teacher and a Student were thinking about who knows about the Princess and what is the cause of it, but they were mostly on the Princess.

Douketsu(Ganryu): And you may think whoever knows about what's going on will lead us to the Princess?

The Student then looked at the Teacher.

Shutendoji(Theo): Maybe, but what that girl told us could maybe lead us to her more quicker!

Ayame: And you two are too kind for waiting this long.

They both then saw Ayame, still with the dark look in her eyes. Theo then looked away and down at the Sakura Branch he was holding.

Shutendoji: If whoever your saying knows the Princess will lead us to her?

Ayame then got annoyed.

Ayame: You know you can show a little bit of gratitude to me?

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Ayame: You know you can show a little bit of gratitude to me?

Shutendoji: I'll believe it until to show me who knows the Princess!

Ayame then showed them both a Photo of Kyle in his Human form and Kyle's Keystone.

Ayame: His name is Kyle. He's been working with the Princess and her friends after the worst breakout in Helluva. Trust me, I seen him talk with the Princess.

Both looked at her and was thinking.

Shutendoji: So if your saying if we find this Kyle...

Ayame: The Princess will be known! But what do I know?

Before she could walk out, Shutendoji then spoke out to her.

Shutendoji: Bring him to us and we'll see if he's right. If not, it'll be worst to him!

Ayame: Oh don't worry, He knows!

She then leaves, as she also took back his Keystone.

*Insert Intro*

Trust or Lies

After what happened with Amber, Summer was looking around the Arkchives and trying to find Kyle's Keystone.

Summer: Where is it?

She did remember when she got back, the only people around were Akinori and Ayame for some training. She may think one of them have it.

Before she could find Ayame or Akinori, she ran into Ayame.

Summer: Oh Ayame, I was going to find you and...

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