Chapter 25: Overlording Helluva

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A/N: I can see the title of this as Overloaded, since that's what Helluva's like from the series I'm basing this on and my Blackevor series. I didn't add many Overlords in this series, so this might be the opperatunity to add some in.

Kyle was looking at the Arkchives, looking at the Many Demons him and the others befriended and saved.

Kyle: So far so good. At the pace were going, we'll save everyone at this rate.

Inkurella was with him as usral and wasn't bothered.

Inkurella: Ok, what rocks your boat.

Kyle closed the book and looked at her.

Kyle: You do know you can show a little infushiasm. We were the victims of what just happened.

Inkurella: Yeah, well, I'm not much of a Human world girl.

Kyle: You may have a point. Sometimes it gets a bit boring.

Inkurella then slid off the bench in boredom.

Kyle: Well, if you want to, we can head back to Helluva, check on everyone, maybe get a few more Keystones... Possibly check on the store and my car!

Inkurella was then interested.

Inkurella: Well, if we're going home, better get going!

They were about to head back to Helluva, until they ran into Amber.

Amber: So you guys are heading back to the Demon world?

They might of guessed she was listening.

Amber: May I join?

Both weren't too sure.

*Insert Intro*

Helluva's Powerful Demons

Kyle and Inkurella were looking at Amber, as she wanted to go to Helluva. Both weren't too sure if that would be the right choice.

Kyle: Yeah... I'm not too sure.

Amber: Why?

Kyle: Well, how do we put it in words to a kid?

Inkurella put in some sounds, being in explosive sounds and other random stuff. Amber still didn't get it.

Inkurella: Urr... Stuff only known to your parents?

Kyle thought of what she said.

Kyle: Let's go with that.

Amber just looked at them with her unamused look.

Amber: But what about that time Kyle did that Dynamax battle?

Kyle forgot about that, even if it was short time.

Kyle: Dang it! I forgot!

Amber: It's fine. So, may I join you two?

Both then felt defeated as they headed back to Helluva, still having the large Crack and rift in the world.

Both then felt defeated as they headed back to Helluva, still having the large Crack and rift in the world

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