Chapter 15: In a Ink Drop and a Black Place

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A/N: A little continuation from the Previous Chapter. This is where the Agency meets Kyle's bosses and the rulers of Helluva. Some of this Chapter will have some parts where Summer will develope some feelings to Kyle.

Once back at Summer's house, both were still thinking about what happened at the pier. Both thought they had quite a long day, even with Summer being Brainwashed.

Summer: Again Kyle, I'm sorry for what happened today. I'll make sure to bring someone with me if that ever happens again.

Kyle: Don't worry, I get into problems like that... a lot!

He then took off his watch and placed it on her desk.

Summer: I seen many Models of Yo-Kai Watches, but never this Model before.

Kyle: Well, this is my own Design for a transporter to help my fellow Demons. Just didn't know how it worked.

As he explained how it was suppose to work, she got a bit distracted by him, not understanding what was wrong.

Meanwhile back in Helluva, Charlie was with her parents in their Limo.

Lucifer: So you may figure out what that thing really does?

Charlie: Y-Yes father. Me and the others believe it maybe somewhat of a gateway into the Human world, but it had the most effects! Apparently, with it, it may of allowed us to enter the Yo-Kai's plain of exsistence, in the human world!

Both her parents were then concerned, realising if Demons who can't be controlled in the human realm could be disasterous.

Lucifer: Just hope that Blackevoir will sort this out! If not, the Human Realm is in dire trouble!

Charlie: No need, he knows about it. In fact, he already have some help.

Both didn't see Kyle needing help, but with a problem that big, they'll see he'll need help.

Lilith: We'll head to the Human World once we know where Kyle is. I'm sure his allies are smart and well trained like him.

Charlie knew he had good help, not wanting her Parents to know he was working for Humans.

*Insert Intro*

Kyle's Bosses

The Next day, Kyle and Summer headed to the Detective Agency to talk to them about the Model Watch he had.

Kyle: Your making a bit of a mistake. They'll not understand!

Summer: They will. They're your friends also.

Kyle didn't think of making Human friends, since he didn't have many growing up as a Human before. They headed inside the Agency building, and everyone was already there.

Akinori: Morning guys.

Kyle: Akinori, Touma, Ayame. Everyones looking well.

Touma: You too.

Kyle saw their wasn't much space, as he stayed outside, realising something else Charlie told him last night before coming back to Helluva for the day.

Kyle: Oh right, they're coming!

Meanwhile, not too far away, Lucifer and Lilith both came out of Helluva in their Limo, finding themselves in the Human world. Due to DemoNA connections, they tracked where Kyle was.

Driver: We're here, your Majesties!

Lucifer: We won't be long.

Once both left the Limo, they headed around where Kyle was, which was around Akinori's home.

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