26- Mercy

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Mac falls asleep in the car.

Kinn carried Mac and went to their room sneakily. Kinn covered him with blanket then placed a soft kiss on Mac's forehead.

"My little puppy... Goodnight."

Mac just got his hand. So Kinn slept beside him with a hug.


A few days later _

In china _

Tay can sense that Time is behaving a bit suspicious.

Tay: Big, I think we should leave now.

Big: Humm. I've already talked with Khun Kinn. I confirm our tickets too.

Tay: But my passport is still with Time.

Big: Our flight is at night. You must get it.

Tay nodded.

While Big is preparing other things, Tay starts ransacked all Time's luggage but all in vain.

Time was out because of some work. He comes back in the evening. And caught Tay red handed.

Time: darling, are you looking for this?

Time smirks as Tay's passport is in between his fingers.

Tay is staring at him silently.

Time: no? I think your so called lover is in Beijing. Right? That's why you're trying to escape.

Tay: give me back my passport.

Time: darling I can't. You have to stay here.

Tay: I don't understand why you need me when you have several one's to keep your bed warm. I'm not a showpiece that you can carry everywhere as a level of yours.

Time: of course you're. You have to marry me and stay with me as a level. My parents want to see you. Get ready.

Tay: You've already forced me enough. I'm not going anywhere. Just give me back my passport.

Time: you forgot our deal!

Tay: I was a fool to believe you. But you can't do anything to Big. So I'm not afraid anymore. I'm asking you nicely to give it back.

Time: you sure?

Big: he's sure.

Big comes out from behind.

Big: now give it back.

Time: not that easily, Big.

Big: you wanna fight? Let's fight.

Time smirks and a few minions come out. But Big doesn't seem to be bothered by this.

Big run to the terrace showing his immune skills. The others followed him. He stopped at the center.

Time: why running? Scared already?

Big: nope... Just warmups. Ok bring it on.

They attack him with some knife, dagger and other attacking stuffs. But Big easily dodged them.

1 vs 10 fight and Big easily wins.

Big: is that all? Don't tell me that you forgot to bring some more. Dude you're a brainless dickhead! I think you forgot that I'm one of the major family's head bodyguards. Your preparation was bad. Very bad. Anyway if this drama is over then we should leave.

Time: Big you're...

Big: I'm what? I could have taken Tay with me the first day you took him here. Well these days I was just taking a vacation with my babe....

Big strached his body.

.... Well I've played enough. Now back off.

Big slowly took the passport from Time's hand.

Big: thank you.

Big turned the Tay but Time attacked him.

But a few punches and kicks Time is down on the ground.

Big grabbed his collar.

Big: Listen carefully... You kept hurting Tay from the first. I didn't interfere. But now I love him. He's mine. If you try to put your nose between us you're parents gonna cry for you. I don't think you want a death wish. So back off. Later I won't think twice to shoot you. You're lucky that after all these things you've done I'm showing you mercy.

Time: you've to pay for it.

Big: my pleasure!

Big went to Tay who's standing like a statue. Only tears are flowing from his eyes.

Big wiped it away pulled him closer for a kiss. Actually it was to show that bastard.

Big: let's go babe.

Tay looked back at Time once then left with Big.

They head to the airport then got their flight.

While fighting Big got two small cuts on his forehead and corner of his lips. His knuckles are a bit hurt.

Tay: is it hurting?

Big: yeah.

Tay looked at him in concern.

Tay: everything happened because of me.

Big: come on I was kidding. It doesn't hurt that much. It's normal. But... If you give me a kiss that might help me recover from this slight pain.

Tay: cheesey... I thought... Whatever.

Big: give me a kiss naa...

Tay: no! We're on airplane.

Big: come on everyone is sleeping. No one's gonna see. Please... Pretty please... Pretty pretty please...

Tay: fine... Stop acting!

Tay gives a pack on Big's Cheek.

Big: hey it wasn't a kiss. Let me show you.

Big pulled Tay and kissed his lips deeply.

Tay didn't refuse.

Tay: you're... Too much.

Tay is shy. He rested his head on Big's shoulder. Now they're heading to their home.


Sorry for late update 🙂

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