19- A shot

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Porsche falls in sleep. His head is on Vegas' shoulder.

Vegas holds the other's hand which is feels like bonded with his. He caresses it. He is recalling some memories with the other.

Every time he thought about it he can't help but smiles on his own.

The night was cold. Vegas hugged the other all night. It was warm.

In the morning _

They started their journey again. Searching for some food for their empty tummies.

Vegas: what are you eating?

Porsche: it's a fruit. I don't know what is it but I found it under a tree.

Vegas: is it edible?

Porsche nodded.

Porsche: want a bite?

Vegas holds his hand and takes a bite from the side Porsche had one.

Vegas: not sweet, a bit bitter but good.

They finish this taking a bite after another.

Porsche: how can we get out of here? And how the guards are gonna find us?

Vegas: I have a phone in my pocket. The network is dead here but at least they can track our location. We have to find kinn and Macau first.

Porsche nodded.

They start walking and searching for Kinn and Macau.

Vegas found Kinn's knife under his foot.

Vegas: it's Kinn's. Maybe they're around here. Let's search.

On the other hand _

Macau is still sleeping over Kinn's lap and Kinn is looking at him, running his fingers through Macau's hair.

Macau yawns, open his eyes, looking at Kinn's face which is shining with the morning sun rays.

Kinn: why that stare? are you gonna eat me alive?!

Macau: no... you're not in my list.

He got up from Kinn's lap.

Kinn: why? Don't I taste good? And I don't mind if you eat me.

Macau: absolutely not... You stink, idiot.

Kinn: at least.. you can give me a kiss as a reward for guarding you all night long.

Macau: brush your teeth first. Then I'll think about it.

Kinn: come on puppy...

Macau: get lost. I'm starving. Get me food.

Kinn: where I can get food in here?

Macau: I don't you. Look around and find me quickly. I can't endure hunger.

Kinn gets up suddenly but Macau is pulled too.

Macau: it hurts, idiot. Don't you see this damn handcuff.

Kinn: I'm sorry.

Kinn caresses Macau's wrist gently. He placed a soft kiss on it which makes Macau blush.

Kinn: let's go together.

Macau and Kinn walk along to find some food and also a way out here.

They find a guava tree. As they can't climb up the tree they have to pick the fruits which is already fallen.

They fill their tummies.

While Vegas and Porsche are saying out their names.

They find each other within a short moment.

Vegas hugged his nong.

Vegas: you ok? I was so worried.

Macau: I'm ok Hia... Well... Kinn takes care of me.

Kinn nodded.

Vegas: good for him. I found this.

Vegas shows them Kinn's knife.

Vegas unlocked their handcuffs. But somehow Kinn and Macau felt uncomfortable.

Vegas: Let's get outta here.

They kept waking by the river, Crossing the trees and heavy jungle. Some hills and valleys were in their way.

They passed through. They walked for all day long.

The major and minor family are looking for them. Parnawit's guards are also looking for them.

Arm tracked Vegas'phone location.

They sit down for rest as the falling sun is shining over them.

Macau: when will we get out of here, Hia?

Vegas: don't worry. The jungle is already ended. If we cross this area we'll find human habitants. And our guards are on their way.

Kinn: but how?

Vegas shows his phone.

Kinn: such a smart ass!

Vegas: yeah. At least you admit that I'm better than you.

Kinn: by doing a small task doesn't make you better than me.

Vegas: we'll see.

Macau: stop! We have to get outta here. Then you guys can quarrel.

They saw lights coming towards them.

They all get excited but this wasn't for so long.

Because they are Parnawit's guards.

They are already surrounded by them and now it's not possible to get out of here without fighting.

A little fight occur but didn't last long. The others have guns.

One bullet is about to hit Macau but it hit Kinn as he comes across to save the younger.

Others are shocked. Macau grabbed the Kinn's body.

The next target is Vegas but the major family bodyguards are here.

They killed and rescued four of them then they are sent to the hospital immediately.

Macau cried holding Kinn's body. Vegas is also shocked at Kinn's behavior and Macau's as well.

But he choosed to stay silent for the time.

After reaching the hospital Kinn is sent to the operation theater and other doctors treatment the three of them.

Macau just can't stop crying. Vegas seats next to his nong.

Vegas: Don't worry. He'll be alright.

Macau: I'm... I'm so scared Hia... If anything happens...

Macau couldn't finish his words. Vegas hugged him tightly.

Vegas caresses his nong's back to comfort him. Now he's not confused anymore.

He knows but didn't expect this. And he's gonna clear everything when the right time comes.


A/N: sorry for the late updates.
I'm connecting some storylines from the series and my fiction together.
I hope you guys are liking this story. Feel free to share your thoughts.

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