21- Left Away

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Kim: What? Why are you guys looking at me like that?... anyway, I gotta go. Take care.

Kim left everyone in confusion.

He went to visit his BF.

Pete smiled as soon as he saw Kim.

Kim placed a kiss on Pete's palm lips.

Kim: how's my baby doing?

Pete: fine.

Kim: good. Get well soon.

Kim is caressing Pete's cheek.

Suddenly a door slamming sound break their moments.

Tankhun is standing at the doorway.

Tan: oiii...peeetteee...

He runs towards and hugged Pete ignoring Kim.

Pete: Khun Nu... It hurts.

Kim: hey Hia! Leave my baby alone.

Kim separated them.

Tan: My Pete belongs to me before he belongs to you, understand you little brat!

Kim: he's mine only. And you should understand that.

Tan: Pete is mine. Pete come on tell him that you belong to me because I love you more than Kim.

Kim: of course not because Pete is my boyfriend and soon to be wife. And I love him more than you.

Pete is in the state of confusion.

Pete: ok ok... Stop.

Tan: Pete you love him or me?

Pete: Khun Nu... I ... Love Kim but I love you too.

Pete said with a genuine smile.

But Tankhun is not convinced.

Tan: why you said you love him first then me.

Kim: because he loves me more he loves you.

Tan: oi... Kim! You can't take away my Pete from me!

Kim: what will you do, huh? Are you gonna chase me? Come.

Tan: wait you little brat!

Tankhun runs after Kim and Kim is also running playfully with his Hia.

Kim mocked him.

Tan: oiii... I'm tired. Pete hug me.

Tankhun hugged Pete.

Kim: you can't touch my boyfriend.

Pete: Kim... Khun Nu is special to me. Don't mock him naa...

Pete said with puppy eyes.

Tan: see Pete loves me. My cutie Pete.

Kim: ok ok. Hug him as much as you want this time because I'm not gonna let you do that anymore... I'm leaving now, baby. Don't forget your pills. I'll come again.

Kim left with a kiss on Pete's soft cheek ignoring Tankhun.


While Vegas and Porsche leave Kinn and Macau alone.

Macau hugged Kinn and lay down again. Kinn is caressing Macau's hair.

Porsche gives Vegas a ride to minor family.

Vegas: thanks for the ride.

Porsche: it's my duty.

Vegas: drive safe, friend.

Porsche nodded with a smile at Vegas.


During these days Big rarely contacted Tay as his phone was at Arm's control for this mission.

Now everything is under control so he decided to call him.

But Tay's phone is switched off. He tried so many times but no use.

He can't go out of the mansion because Kinn is not here as well as Pete. So he has to monitor everything.

But he's worried about Tay.

The whole day went so dull for Big.

He checked his phone several times and called Tay but he's disappointed.

He received a msg notification. He checked his phone quickly.


Sorry Big... I can't meet you anymore. I'm going to China with Time. He forced me. I couldn't do anything. Maybe this is the last time I'm taking to you. I'm sorry... I love you...

Take care,


Big doesn't want to believe his eyes. Is this really happening?

He immediately went to track Tay's location.

Tay's phone is now switched off. It was last located in the airport area.

He went out in search for Tay. But it was too late. The flight was already taken off.

Big sits down on the floor, tired, sad, disappointed, angry.

Why does this have to happen with him?

This is the first time he truly loves someone but the person left him.

He doesn't know what to do now.

He knows he can't let go Tay like this. He has to do something.


After a few days Kinn and Pete both return from the hospital.

Macau was taking care of Kinn while his Hia somehow managed their evil father.

Kinn and Macau got closer more as well as Kim and Pete.

Kim confessed about his feelings for Pete to his father and convinced him.

Now Pete has resigned officially from bodyguard post because Kim doesn't want him to risk his life anymore.

But for Tankhun he's still a bodyguard.

Macau and Vegas went home as their duty is over here.

During this time Vegas and Porsche also spent much time together and became very good friends.

Among those happy people someone's heart is aching.

He's not well. He doesn't know what's the reason Tay had to leave him like this.

If Time forced Tay he could call Big for help or something else.

These running questions crushing his mind.

He can't wait anymore. He has to find Tay and finish this game.


In the morning _

Khun Korn and Kinn is discussing about their business while taking tea.

Big knocked the door and entered after getting the permission.

Big: suadeekhab Khun.

Kinn: oh... Big, is their anything you want to inform?

Big: no Khun Kinn... I... I want to know about Khun Tay and Khun Time. Can you tell me where are they?

Kinn: why you are interested in my friends?

Big: Khun Kinn I really want to know.

Kinn: I don't know. I haven't contacted them yet after coming from hospital... But why you want to know about them?

Big: I think Khun Tay is in trouble. Please contact them immediately.

Kinn: you look so much interested in Tay... and how do you know if Tay is in trouble? Are you hiding something from me?

Big: I...


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