13- You're Worthy

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Main while _


After coming into his room Big took shower. He lays down on bed, phone in his hand.

Big's POV_

I massaged Tay in the morning but he didn't reply or haven't seen the massage yet.

Is he ok? Should I call him? No no. I should wait... Argh.. I can't wait. I better send a message.

Hey Tay... Are you ok? Are you angry with me?

He's online but why he hasn't seen my massage.  I'm getting irritated.

Big put down his phone. Thinking about random things. And then his phone rang. He picked up without looking.

Big: hello.. who's this?

Tay: hey Big.. it's me, Tay.

Big: Tay... Oh God I was so scared that you're not gonna talk with me. Are you ok? I really want to apologize about last night. Don't be angry. I didn't mean...

Big said everything at a time but Tay stopped him.

Tay: Big... It's okay. I didn't mind...

Tay's voice is heavy.

Big: are you ok? Why you're sound like this?

Tay: can we meet... Right now?

Big: yeah sure. Where?

Tay: By that bridge.

Big: I'm coming.

Big went out of the mansion with a bike.

Big's POV_

I don't know why, when I heard his voice my heart skipped for a moment. I'm feeling so worried about him. But why? I don't know the answer. It's just 1 day we talked properly.

Before that I never talked with him expect from greetings. I never thought we could be friends or something.

I noticed him a few times always with his BF Time. Honestly I found him caring about his bf.

The way he was worried about the person he loves was so heart touching to me. His caring and emotions are real and genuine.

He's nice. But Time is not. It's their personal matter so I never cared that much before until we spent a few hours.

Only few hours together and I'm feeling like... He's someone I really care about... I don't know how I feel for him.

Is it possible to fall for someone that easily? I never felt this much worried for someone else though.

I don't know how he's doing right now. What happened with him? If it is because of that bustard Time, I'm gonna break his bones.

Big drives as fast as possible.

It's late at night. The roads are not crowded.

The bridge is also empty only Tay is standing by the bridge. Big somehow managed to stop the bike and park it.

He runs towards Tay.

Big: Tay!

Tay looks back with tearful eyes and hugged Big tightly. Tay cried on his shoulder.

Big is a bit surprised and also worried.

Big: what happened? Tay ... Tay...

Tay couldn't reply just sobbing. Big caresses his back and head softly.

Big: shhhh don't cry... calm down... I'm here. I'm here with you. Calm down.

It took a while for Tay to calm down. Big cupped his face and wipes away the tears.

Big: everything is ok.... Now tell me who made you cry like that? I'm going to kick off his ass. Please tell me what happened?

Tay: Time... he said he doesn't love me anymore... I'm not worthy for his love... he said I'm just a burden in his life. Do you think.... I'm not worthy enough to love someone... Or being loved by someone?

Big: Why are you saying like this?! It's not that.

Tay: Then why... Why I get hurt all the time?.. I'm really not worthy of loving enough.

Big: don't say that please... You're the best person I've ever met. You love unconditionally. Anyone would be lucky to have you in life. I never saw anyone like you. You're more worthy to being loved. Don't look down on yourself because of someone who doesn't even care about you.

Tay: I'm such a stupid... I knew I would get hurt because of him but still I... Love him... I love him with all my heart... I... I can't get over him too. I don't know what to do Big.... It hurts... It hurts like I'm gonna die.

Big hugged him tight.

Big: don't say these please... I beg you... You're worthy... You're life is Worthy... I don't know about someone but it's worthy for me. I think a person like you in my life is more than worth it.

Tay: I don't know... My mind went blank. I didn't know whom the say... I can't take it anymore Big. I don't wanna get hurt anymore.

Tay's vision is blurry, tears filled eyes tried best not to cry but tears starts flowing again.

Big just doesn't know what to do. He caresses Tay's cheeks, lift his chin up, close the gap between them.

Big: look at me....

Tay opened his eyes. Looks at the person who's caring for him. He wants to trust this person.

– from now on... You'll never get hurt... I'll never let anyone hurt you... Not anymore... You deserve better... You're worthy... For me. You have to move forward for yourself.

Tay: will you stay by my side?... Please... Don't leave me like others... I...

Before Tay could say something more Big kissed him.

Tay's face is feeling Big's palms warmth and caressing.

Tay is a bit shocked but Big's warm lips on his, the caressing, the words really calm him down.

Tay closed his eyes and deepen the kiss. Tears rolls down from his eyes, reached their lips. Their lips moved slowly over each other.

Big slowly let go. Tay looks at him.

Big: if you want... I will stay beside you... Always ... I... Promise.

Big holds him into his arms again.


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