16- Hunger

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This morning _

After Big left the others continue their training.

Suddenly Pete got called by Kim again.

His poor heart starts beating fast when he remembers about the last night's incident.

His cheeks are burning. He went to Kim's room with breakfast in his hands.

Pete: can I come in, Kim?

Kim: yeah.

Pete went inside and put the tray on the table. His head is down. He's not ready to meet Kim's eyes.

But he can feel that Kim's eyes are on him, observing his every movements. Without looking at Kim, Pete asked him

Pete: do you need anything else?

Kim: yeah... I need you.

Pete got goosebumps as soon as he heard Kim's words with cold tone.

Pete: wh...what are you... Saying?

Kim: I think as a head bodyguard You're capable enough. So i believe that your memory is not that weak not to remember what happened last night. Don't ignore. I know about your feelings.

Pete's head is still down. He can't look at Kim.

Kim: look at me... Pete!... Don't make me repeat again.

Pete looks into Kim's eyes. They stare at each other. Pete's face is already red.

Kim comes closer to Pete.

Pete one step back. But Kim pulled him by the waist.

Pete: Ki...Kim...

Kim just runs his fingers on Pete's soft hair and pulled. Revealed Pete's neck a little.

Kim just licked Pete's Adam's apple with his wet tongue then started giving soft kisses, sniffing Pete's smell.

Kim's touch lit fire on Pete's body. It's getting hot.

Pete tried to get out of Kim's grip but his tiny waist is perfectly locked in Kim's arm.

Pete: Ki... Kim...

Pete moans Kim's name softly which makes Kim lost his mind more.

He bites Pete's neck this time to mark him. Then whispered in Pete's ear.

Kim: I'm hungry... Pete... I'm so hungry... please... Don't keep me waiting anymore... make me... calm down my hunger.

Kim's voice is full of love, sadness and lust. Pete also doesn't want to hold back anymore.

Kim releases the grip from Pete's hair. Pete cups Kim's face, looks at him with teary eyes.

Pete: being with me... Won't be easy.

Kim: I love you... please say you love me... Don't hide anymore.

Pete: I... love... You, Khun Kim.

Tears filled both their eyes. Kim kissed Pete's whole face.

Kim: I promise... I'll fight with the world for you... I...

Kim was about to say something but Pete pushed his against him.

Kim didn't think anymore just kissed Pete back hungrily. He can't hold it anymore.

Pete's coat and shirt are already torn apart.

He pulled up Pete's tiny figure. Pete's legs around Kim's waist.

Pete's back hit the bed.

Kim's kissing all over Pete's neck and collarbones. Leaving marks.

Pete is feeling Kim's touch over him which is making him loses his mind.

Kim starts biting all over the skin.

Kim removes his clothes and also the rest of Pete's.

Kim can't take off his eyes from Pete's nude body. It's beautiful with pale skin, slender legs, tiny curved waist and little muscular body.

Kim: you're the most beautiful one I've ever seen, Pete.

Kim kissed him again. His hands are feeling Pete's hot body.

Kim: Pete... Can I have you?... Can I make you mine?

Pete just nodded.

Kim kissed his forehead first. He then slowly pushed himself inside Pete.

A painful moan comes out from Pete's mouth. Kim kissed him again.

After letting him adjust Kim starts moving, loving Pete more.

Pete moans inside Kim's mouth.

Kim slowly kept doing it and Pete just lost his mind and himself into Kim's grip.

After sometime they cummed together. Kim released inside Pete.

Pete is covered with sweat, panting. Kim let the other rest on his chest.

Pete's eyes are filled with tears.

Kim: are you ok, love?

Pete: Humm... Kim... Can we be together?... I'm just a simple bodyguard. What will the others say? What about Khun Korn and Khun Kinn?

Kim: stop worrying my angry bird. I love you. You're mine and no one can take you away from me. I'll protect you.

Pete just hummed and hide his face in Kim's chest.

Pete suddenly gets off.

Pete: I have to go for training. Khun No might be asking for me too.

Kim pulled him closer again.

Kim: today you're not going anywhere. You're staying with me.

And again a knock on door.

Amr: suadeekhab Khun Kim... Is Pete here? Khun Tankhun is searching for him.

Kim: tell him that I need Pete to do some errands of mine. Pete can't go right now. You guys handle him.

Arm: sure Khun.

Pete: hey... Khun No will be angry.

Kim: forgot him. I'm here. Just think about me. He can stay with others but I can't stay without you. Today we just confessed. Do you know since when I've been waiting for this moment? I can't let you go anywhere. I love my angry bird.

Pete couldn't help but blush in Kim's words.

They keep hugging each other.

Later on they took shower together. The whole day Pete was with Kim. Cuddling on bed.

For Pete it's like a dream come true. He can't believe that he confused his feelings and now they're together because one day ago they were still so far from each other.

Now Pete just wanted to live his life like this with Kim.


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