5- Prove it!

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In the auction _

Everyone already reached. Kinn took his seat and his bodyguards also took their position. Kinn turned his head to look around.

Vegas and Macau enter with their powerful Aura. Vegas has his white suit and shirt two buttons open revealing his board chest. And Macau is not less then his brother.

Black suit with a net silky black shirt and also revealing his beauty through this as like as his brother.

Kinn's eyes got Macau first. But he just glance once. Both of them took their sit in a powerful gesture.

Vegas glares at Kinn and Kinn also glares back. Vegas smirks.

Vegas went to sit with Kinn. They slowly took sip of champagne.

Vegas: I thought you're not gonna come.

Kinn: why? Do you think I'm afraid of you?

Vegas: I didn't say that. I thought you'd be busy with your new bodyguard.

Vegas looks back at Porsche who's standing in the bar.

Kinn: mind your own business. I don't have anything to do with my bodyguards. And why you're so interested in my bodyguards, huh?

Vegas: I'm not. Well, can you deny your ex relationship? That's why I just casually asked. Isn't it obvious?

Kinn: I don't anyone to enter in my personal life.

Vegas: nothing is being considered personal if you're showing around....

Suddenly Macau calls Vegas.

Macau: HIA!!!

And Big is also arrived with Tay and Time.

Vegas: Saved by the bell.

Vegas went back to his place. Tay and Time sit with Kinn.

The auction starts.

Kinn and Vegas's battle starts with this too. One by one they brought the diamond jewelries.

It ends when Kinn brought the expensive one with a higher price. Vegas is disappointed.

Kinn with a big smile excuse himself and went to the restroom.

Vegas went to the terrace to calm down himself.

Porsche noticed it. He somehow managed to escape from the auction room and went to meet with Vegas. Vegas is standing and his eyes are looking at the night city.

Porsche clear his throat before saying anything.

Porsche: su... suadeekhab Khun Vegas.

Vegas doesn't bother to look back and nodded.

Vegas: what are you doing here, Porsche?

Porsche: actually...I... I'm here to return you this.

Porsche moves few steps forward and Vegas turned back at him.

Porsche's hands are shaking after seeing Vegas's face. Porsche try to hand over the hanky. Vegas holds it as their hands touched. Their eyes met.

Vegas pulls away his hand from Porsche.

Vegas: you can keep it.

Vegas turns and lean his hands on the reelings. Porsche comes forward.

They just kept silent. Standing side by side. Like their hearts are talking. Porsche is feeling kinda worry about Vegas but don't know why. Because he rarely know anything about Vegas.

Main while _

Macau followed Kinn. Kinn is washing his face and saw Macau's reflection on the mirror standing at the doorway. Macau is eye-catching. His chest is half revealed with a pendent hanging on his neck. Kinn's eyes stuck at him.

Macau: what are you looking at, moron? Are you going to eat me alive?

Kinn: if I got a chance I can try.

Macau: what?!

Kinn: forgot it. what are you doing here?

Macau: nothing. Just passing by.

Kinn just nodded and already done. He comes forward to Macau.

Kinn: don't block the way. Let go.

Macau: oh...are you getting angry after being defeated by my brother?

Kinn: what? Haha... everyone knows who's defeated.

Macau: Why would my brother buy cheap jewelry at that high price? Don't you think you lost a lot of money by doing this foolish act?

Kinn: I don't care about money. All I care about my reputation.

Macau: reputation! Who doesn't have any reputation is talking about reputation.

Kinn: what you just said? Are you trying to mess with me you little puppy?

Kinn grabs his collar.

Macau: of course. You wanna try me? Because I'm not afraid of you.

Kinn pushed him against the wall as their body attached together left no space between them. Their breathing air entwined as their faces are so close.

Kinn: you're still young or else...

Macau: or else what? Don't judge me with my age. Bring it on. I'm ready for anything.

Kinn: anything?!

Macau: yeah... anything.

Kinn smirks at him and let go. He runs his index from Macau face to down his neck and chest. He pinched Macau's check slightly.

Kinn: still... you're nothing. Even a weak one like you is useless for me. My type is totally different. And I don't think you'd be good enough like them.

He pats his cheek with a smirk and about to leave.

Now it's Macau's turn. He grabs Kinn's collar.

Macau: how dare you say that?! You bloody bastard! You're comparing me with those shitty whores of yours.

Kinn: why? Do you think you're better than them.

Macau: do you have any doubt?

Kinn: then prove it. Let me see if you're better than them. Do you dare?

Macau keeps silent.

Kinn: see I told you. You're nothing but a cute useless puppy.

Macau: then let me prove it.

Macau wrapped his arms around Kinn's neck and pulled him into a kiss.


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