𝕹𝖊𝖚𝖛𝖎𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖙𝖙𝖊 [𝕸𝖔𝖉𝖊𝖗𝖓 𝕬𝖀]

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It was difficult, to say the least. Pursuing a degree in law, I mean. So many things you needed to know... So many techniques and ideas and rules and—

I slammed my head down on the desk—atop the final pages of my assignment. Final pages, I reminded myself. But even that consolation wasn't enough. So close yet so far... It was due the next day—no exceptions.

I groaned, long, loud and low, as I continuously banged my fist against the desk in a rhythmic pattern. Ah... that beat... How I'd much rather become a musician than pursue law... But I supposed that to entertain that notion was foolish.

The door opened, the hinges squeaking melodically, and someone entered, the scent of petrichor sweeping through my room. His footsteps were soft on the carpeted floor, boots clicking against it as he walked. I lifted my head from the desk to meet his gaze, his dark eyes staring down at me with concern. "What are you doing?" Neuvillette asked, voice rumbling in my very core.

"Preparing my funeral," I replied, turning to face the paper as I rubbed my eyes. He walked behind my chair and placed a plastic bag full of groceries beside me. Immediately, I began to rummage through the contents, before pulling out a cup wrapped in plastic. My stomach rumbled—and I wondered when the last time I had eaten was.

I scrambled out of my chair, the cup in hand, and headed towards the small bench along the opposing wall that served as my kitchen. It was only a small apartment—but it was more than enough for a university student such as I. Especially when money was at a low. All my funds were spent on education—and all the time I needed to work for more was taken up by said education.

I flicked the kettle on, staring at the light that lit the kettle's waters a mesmerising blue. Blue... like water... calming...

"Do you plan to eat two-minute noodles for the entirety of your degree?" Neuvi asked from behind.

I turned, bracing my hands on the bench. "I don't exactly have the time or money for full-course meals. Besides, it's a different meal if you put in different seasonings."

".. Is it now?"

I nodded, sighing through my nose. "Thank you for getting this, by the way," I added, motioning to the noodle cup. "It's been a while since I've been outside for anything besides classes."

He sighed also, before saying, "It's not a problem." I turned back to my noodles. Soon enough, the water was boiled and I poured it into the waiting cup, seasonings at the ready. The steamy scent of the seasonings wafted around me, threatening to make my knees buckle and give way. A release—from that hell of studying. Studying something I didn't even want to pursue.

Thankfully, I had met Neuvillette not long after I first joined the class. He was a year older than me and mercifully had plenty of wisdom to impart on my naive self—which I had gratefully accepted without hesitation. It was no stretch to say that without him, I certainly wouldn't have passed so easily. Though, I wouldn't call this course "easy".

"You've gotten better at these sorts of assignments," I heard him say and turned, the cup warming my hands as I grasped it while the noodles soaked.

"You think so?" I asked.

He half-turned from my papers and met my gaze, nodding. "Certainly. Your practice has paid off." His expression relaxed slightly, softening, as he said, "I think you'll be fine on your own for the upcoming exams."

My stomach churned at the word—exams. I hated them. The stress that came with the very word was enough to knock me off my feet for a good few days. He must've noticed the small inkling of anxiety in my eyes as he walked over. He was tall, his figure towering over me. But... he was gentle. Despite his largely aloof demeanour, he was... kind. To me, at least. Perhaps he recognised my struggle and wanted to help. Even if he didn't like me as a person and only aided me due to pity. No one else had. He was the only one I could turn to. So even if his help wasn't out of the goodness of his heart, I would welcome it with open arms.

✧*̥˚ {𝔊𝔢𝔫𝔰𝔥𝔦𝔫 ℑ𝔪𝔭𝔞𝔠𝔱 𝔒𝔫𝔢𝔰𝔥𝔬𝔱𝔰 & ℌ𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔠𝔞𝔫𝔬𝔫𝔰} *̥˚✧Where stories live. Discover now