Chapter 47 - Movie Night

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Zhihao inspected her nails as Baiyang and A-Yan were arguing about how to get the iPad to work. They were starting to get too long, maybe she should trim them.. Or maybe hold a nail day where she and Suyin could paint each other's nails, since it has been a while since they've done that.

Zhihao sighed and dropped her hand back to her side, shifting her legs from underneath to splay out in front of her.

This was so boring. Zhihao, like everyone else, had been waiting for A-Yan to get the movie to load for the past 15 minutes, and was about to pass out from boredom.

And the worst part was, Zhihao had to physically restrain herself from eating the popcorn they had just made, because she wanted it to last throughout the movie. So she had to pretend like there wasn't a cheesy, buttery, heavenly smell just wafting through the air.

And now that Zhihao thought about it, how A-Yan managed to find and successfully download "Harry Potter: The Prisoner of Azkaban" without having to pay was beyond her. And she had absolutely no clue how the guy managed to create a makeshift projector in less than 10 minutes either. Although Zhihao didn't dare question A-Yan's methods.

Her mind trailing back to Suyin, Zhihao pulled out her phone and snapped a quick selfie of herself and the others, sending it to her friend. Zhihao then sent a follow up text, captioning the picture with a 'wish u were here'.

She only remembered that Suyin wouldn't receive the texts anytime soon when a flash of lightning briefly lit up the room before plunging the room back into darkness, reminding Zhihao of the thunderstorm outside.

Dang it.

Zhihao set her now rendered useless phone on the ground and glanced around the room at the others. Her eyes landed on Xing Zi.

Aww, so cute. Xing Zi was sitting on the floor in front of Qiao Chen, who was sharing a couch with Lu Xia, and Qiao Chen was playing with Xing Zi's hair as he was engaged in a one-sided conversation with Lu Xia about some band.

And Xing Zi says that she doesn't have a crush on Qiao Chen...

It really was quite obvious to everyone that Xing Zi and Qiao Chen had mutual hots for each other. Even Siyang could see it. Probably.

Zhihao furrowed her brows and craned her neck, spotting Siyang in a corner of the room. The guy was leaning against a wall with his arms crossed as he quietly conversed with Zhuo Zhi beside him. How ominous.

Zhihao wondered what the two were talking about.

"Haaaaaaaaaaah." Juale let out a loud and very overly dramatic sigh, bringing Zhihao's attention to him. Jiale placed the palms of his hands behind him and leaned backwards, tilting his head far back to stare up at the ceiling. "I'm so boreddd," Jiale dragged out his words.

Zhihao mentally slapped herself on the face for having even considered the thought that Jiale might have had something important to say. Of course he didn't. He never did. Pointedly ignoring Jiale's whining, Zhihao allowed her eyes to wander once again.

It seemed one else bothered to pay any heed to Jiale's statement either, as they were all busy being bored as well.

Not even Dachi could be bothered to move from his bed cot, where he was laying flat on his face, his nose getting squashed.

That has got to be uncomfortable, Zhihao thought to herself. If she were to ever stay in that position for more than a few minutes, she would start sneezing at least 7 times in a row.

Zhihao picked at a stray piece of linen on the ground before finally focusing her attention back to A-Yan. "A-Yan, did you get it to work yet?" She asked the guy hopefully. Maybe he had made some progress since the last time she asked, which was only a couple of minutes ago. Or maybe more. Zhihao really didn't know anymore at this point.

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