Chapter 45 - More Talks

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For the first time in the past few days, Zhihao woke up on her own without having a pillow thrown at her head by Xing Zi. It felt odd, being the first to wake up.

Zhihao sat up in her bed with her back against the wall as she stretched her arms up above her head.

A small, dreamy smile slowly spread across her face as she recalled the night before. Zhuo Zhi had said that he'd see her tomorrow, meaning that he was going to see her today. Right? Unless he meant it as in 'good night', but Zhihao didn't really feel like considering that option at the moment.

Although she knew that Zhuo Zhi wasn't the type of person to commit himself to anything, much less the type interested in romance, it was still nice to let her mind wander sometimes.

Besides, it was only 5 in the morning, she could spare a few moments to herself. It was fine as long as she remembered to keep her daydreams separated from reality, keep her expectations low.

Of course Zhihao just had to fall for the emotionally unavailable person out of all people.

As Zhihao allowed herself to indulge in her delusions, Xing Zi slowly sat up in her bed too, having woken up as well.

Xing Zi yawned, covering her mouth with a hand, before blearily blinking her eyes open.

"Why are you giggling to yourself like that? It's kind of creepy," Xing Zi tossed Zhihao a strange look. It truly was a concerning sight: Zhihao was grinning maniacally in the corner of the room, as if she was possessed.

Ignoring the mildly offended expression on Zhihao's face, Xing Zi swung her legs around and stood up from her bed. She walked across the room to begin brushing her hair out.

"I'm not creepy." Zhihao squinted her eyes at Xing Zi's back, mentally daring the girl to turn around and face her.

Xing Zi shrugged, unbothered, her eyes focused on her reflection in the mirror on top of the drawer. "Good morning to you, busy thinking about Zhuo Zhi I see?"

Xing Zi's lips curved upwards as she heard a loud thud from behind. She was spot on.

"I was- I was not-!" Zhihao spluttered from the ground, having fallen from her bed.

Zhihao took a moment to clamber back onto her bedand regain her dignity before continuing, "I was NOT thinking about Zhuo Zhi."

Xing Zi snorted in disbelief as she peeled a face mask off its wrapper, carefully placing it onto her face. "Yeah right. Then who were you thinking about, Jiale? You want a face mask?"

Xing Zi watched through the mirror as Zhihao let out a strangled sound and made a grab at her throat. A few seconds passed before Zhihao was able to gulp air and choke out, "What do you mean?"

"Don't think I don't notice how you always whisper to Jiale and Zhuo Zhi and save them food," Xing Zi grinned at Zhihao's reflection, which was growing brighter and brighter.

"What are you trying to imply?" Zhihao rasped. She really hoped Xing Zi wasn't trying to imply what she thought Xing Zi was.

Xing Zi sighed and turned around, leaning her back against the drawer. It seemed that she would have to spell this out, word for word for Zhihao.

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