Chapter 11 - The Library

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Zhihao was sitting at a table in the library when Zhuo Zhi happened to pass by, two books under an arm. He had almost missed her, on his search for a cookbook to his liking.

"Tang Zhihao? What are you doing here?" Zhuo Zhi titled his head. The library didn't seem like a natural habitat for her.

Zhihao looked up at the sound of her name. "Oh, I'm just uh.. nothing." She casually covered the paper she had been working on with her arm, propping her head against it. "What's up?"

Unfazed, Zhuo Zhi ignored Zhihao's question and leaned over her arm to get a glimpse at her paper.

"Ah, chemistry I see?" Zhuo Zhi gave a knowing smile. Zhihao scowled at her paper, grumpily crossing her arms. No point in trying to hide it anymore.

"It's stupid. There's math in chemistry, there shouldn't be math in chemistry! I refuse to believe that all of this isn't made up." Zhihao complained.

Sitting down across from her, Zhuo Zhi grinned. "Ah yes, I do recall your.. exceptional distaste, for math. You did seem to sleep through math a lot last year."

Zhihao made a face at Zhuo Zhi. "Don't mention last year's math class please, it only brings back bad memories for me."

Zhuo Zhi let out an amused huff, but obliged. "Alright then, as you wish. Would you like me to help you with your paper?"

Surprise briefly flashed across Zhihao's face. "Oh? Aren't you busy with your...," Zhihao took a look at the books he had set down, "cookbooks? What are you doing with cookbooks?"

"Oh I've been wondering how to recreate and improve Yan Zhiming's Yan-Juice so I've been looking around for more information," Zhuo Zhi cheerfully explained. Really, Zhihao shouldn't have expected anything different from the man.

"Ah I see.. how.. interesting," Zhihao replied, not bothering to disguise her disgust.

Zhuo Zhi snorted. "You won't have to try my Yan-Juice, if that's what you're worried about. Unless, you want to of course." He flashed a devilish grin, making Zhihao scoot her chair away from him a bit.

"Right well, I'd rather not think about chemistry right now, my brain is fried. Maybe in a moment or two." Zhihao stretched her arms, yawning.

"Alright, fair enough. By the way, do you have any music recommendations?"

Zhihao perked up. "Music?" Zhuo Zhi has caught her interest.

"Mn," Zhuo Zhi confirmed. "I've been looking for new music to enjoy, I figured you may have some recommendations."

Zhihao eagerly nodded. "Well lately I've been listening to the third movement of Bruch's Violin Concerto No.1, in G Minor, if you're looking for a classical piece. I'm personally not too familiar with jazz, but I do recommend 'It's Been A Long, Long Time', one of my favorites. 'Fly Me To The Moon' also might be more your style. I'm not sure if you've heard of it though, it's an American classic."

Zhuo Zhi pursed his lips in thought. "I recognize the name, but I'm unfamiliar with the melody. I'll remember these, thank you."

Zhihao bowed her head in response and then went to her QQ Music, copying the link to her profile and sending it to Zhuo Zhi.

"There. I sent you my QQ Music profile, so you can search for the music you like on my playlists, I separated my playlists by my personal favorites that include pop and modern music, classical, and so on."

"Oh I see, I appreciate it, thanks." Zhuo Zhi tapped on the link, following Zhihao's profile to save it for later. "Finally I have some possibly good music to listen to now."

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