Chapter 5 - The Team

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The whole day, Zhihao could hardly sit still. She couldn't wait for school to be over, so that she could finally say hi to her brother's friends.

"Zhihao, what's up with you?" Suyin, who sat behind Zhihao, couldn't help but notice Zhihao's constant fidgeting and inability to focus.

Wang Suyin and Zhihao have been friends since middle school, ever since they met each other in math. Their mutual distaste for numbers brought the two together in grade 6, and they've stuck to each other's side ever since.

"Well..." Zhihao hesitated to say the reason out loud. While Suyin knew that Zhihao was related to Tang Jiale, the rest of the class didn't. For obvious reasons. "Wait give me a second, let me text you about it."

For the next minute, all that could be heard, other than the background chatter, was Zhihao, furiously tapping her phone's screen to get her best friend in on the details.

And then the next minute, all that could be heard was the pair's squealing, while the two hugged and jumped with excitement.

Now both of them could "go and watch the hot guys" (Suyin's words) at the tennis team's practice after school together, without worrying if one of the Tang siblings slipped up or raised suspicion.

Truthfully speaking, Zhihao did find most of the regular players on the tennis team attractive. Most of them. Obviously Jiale and Dachi weren't, since they were or were like brothers to her, and Lu Xia was a literal child.

Zhihao just never felt the need to tell her brother about how his closest friends were hot in his sister's eyes.

Before the two could begin to whisper-yell about which guy they were the most excited to see, Mr. Zhang's voice cut in.

"Wang Suyin, Tang Zhihao! Have you both forgotten that you're still in class right now? Sit down and get back to work," their history teacher chastised them.

"Yessir," the pair obediently bowed their heads and sat back down, but not before sharing a grin.

Now that the both of the girls were impatiently waiting for school to be over already, the rest of the day seemed to dragged on.


When the long awaited bell rang, dismissing the students, Zhihao jumped up with excitement. It was finally time. She raced out of the classroom, weaving between students down the stairs, before finally stopping in front of Suyin, who was already waiting for her with her arms crossed, tapping her foot.

"About time, Zhihao," Suyin teased, patting her friend on the back while she gasped for air.

"Not fair, Suyin. You didn't have to go down 5 flights of stairs like I did." Suyin only smiled, waiting for Zhihao to gain her breath back before marching the pair out to the tennis court.

As expected, Mu Siyang, the team's captain, was already on the court, along with Dachi, He Xinglong, and a few other members. And of course, it was no surprise to Zhihao that her brother, Lu Xia, and Qiao Chen were still late.

Lu Xia, huh, Zhihao thought to herself. That kid is apparently always late, according to Jiale. No doubt that it's Jiale's fault, he's a terrible influence.

Zhihao looked around the tennis court, observing the members there, and in the process, catching the eye of none other than the team's genius, Zhuo Zhi.

Zhuo Zhi had expected Tang Zhihao to come visit the tennis court sometime soon, seeing how Jiale's secret was now out to the team, but he didn't expect her to come the very next day.

After he had gone home yesterday night, Zhuo Zhi had dug through his vague memories about Tang Zhihao. The one thing that popped out to him about her was how strange she had been in his math class. She was always asleep, and Zhuo Zhi also had been faintly under the impression that she was avoiding him last year. Zhihao was normally a somewhat friendly person around others, but would shut down when it came to Zhuo Zhi. Zhuo Zhi had shrugged it off at the time, understanding that he came off as offstandish, or that his genius label may have intimidated her.

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