Chapter 3 - There's a Sister?

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"What do you mean, you have a sister??"


Today was a terrible day for Dachi. First he tripped over a sidewalk crack on his way to school in the morning. Then he began getting stomach cramps during class because every time he thought about practice, he began to stress out about yesterday's incident, worrying if Jiale would be mad about what Dachi had said to the team. Just thinking about it yesterday left a sour taste in Dachi's mouth.

And practice itself wasn't any better. While today's practice wasn't as bad as yesterday's, thank goodness, it was still god awful. Siyang had matched the team into pairs, and just his luck, Dachi had to face Siyang himself in 3 matches.

Today has been too long and honestly, Dachi was ready for the day to end.

When finally Siyang allowed the team a break from practice, Dachi felt that he could finally breathe a little air.

Unfortunately for him, Qiao Chen saw that Jiale was taking a long sip from his bottle and decided to take this opportunity to catch Jiale off guard.

"So, Jiale... who is Zhihao? Your girlfriend?" Jiale turned his head and spat out his water, accidentally spraying Dachi next to him.

"Sorry sorry Dachi," Jiale says, snatching the slightly funky-smelling bandana that Qiao Chen offered from his hands to wipe Dachi's face.

Dachi didn't bother dignifying Jiale with a response, choosing to close his eyes instead. Let me go home.

Qiao Chen merely watched Jiale frantically pat down the poor man's face for a few seconds before he continued on.

"I overheard you talking to Dachi about a Zhihao yesterday. Jiale, I can't believe you never told me you had a girlfriend!"

Jiale spluttered at this, the usually chattering man suddenly out of words. "You must be mistaken, I don't have a girlfriend Qiao Chen," Jiale manages to choke out.

"Ahhh but you see, you said that you were going to be late to meet her yesterday, what else is a meeting with a girl if not a date?" Zhuo Zhi nonchalantly added himself into the conversation.

Jiale vowed to break his close friendship with Zhuo Zhi that moment, right then and there.

"Ohh well you see, Zhihao isn't a girl, I'm not sure why you guys immediately thought that I was meeting a girl." Jiale was pretty proud of himself for thinking that up on the spot.

Zhuo Zhi had a glint in his eye. "Oh? So you were having a date with a guy? I'm surprised it wasn't with Da-"

"Ok fine fine fine you guys win it was a girl that I was talking about but it isn't what you guys think!" Jiale waved his hands into Zhuo Zhi's face, immediately cutting his friend off when he realized where the conversation was heading.

Jiale was definitely breaking off their friendship today.

"Oh yeah I already knew that, since Dachi had confirmed that Zhihao is a girl yesterday," Zhuo Zhi casually dropped, a half smile on his lips.

Dachi, who had been watching the conversation like a tennis match, whipping his head back and forth, suddenly found the spotlight on him once again. Today truly was a terrible, no good day.

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