Chapter 31 - Tutoring

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It was about 18:30 (6:30pm) when Zhuo Zhi showed up at the Tang house without an invite.

It was clear to Zhihao that he came right after practice, just looking at his drenched hair, uniform, and tennis gear slung over his shoulder.

Quite honestly, he kind of looked good with his hair slicked like that. Good, but really freaking smelly.

Letting the man through the door, Zhihao pinched her nose. "Oh my god you stink." She then waved her other hand in front of her face for emphasis.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, her voice a bit nasally due to her plugged nose.

Zhuo Zhi took his time taking off his shoes and then straightened his back, whipping his damp bangs back with his his fingers as he did so. Flashing a smug smile at the girl, he said, "I told you I'd tutor you today, didn't I?"

Zhihao winced. "I didn't think you were actually being serious about that.. isn't it too late now?" Not that it really mattered, since her parents were coming home late today.

"Nope! It's never too late for math," Zhuo Zhi replied, a lazy smirk on his face. What a monster.

"Well at least take a shower first, you're stinking up my house." Zhihao paused, unsure if she wanted to know, but asked anyway. "Just how bad was the training today?"

Zhuo Zhi's face lit up at this question. "It was very wonderful!" He was clearly pleased with himself but didn't bother explaining any further. There was no need anyway, Zhihao already knew that wonderful in Zhuo Zhi's book meant horrible in basically everyone else's.

She shivered, sending her thoughts and prayers to her brother. "Right, well, the shower is upstairs at the end of the hall, towels are in the right cabinet," Zhihao shooed Zhuo Zhi and his sweaty tennis jacket away.

Muttering to herself, Zhihao said out loud, "And here you said that you never sweat." She gagged. "I'm never wearing that jacket ever again."

While Zhuo Zhi was busy washing up, Zhihao decided to study her math for a bit. Pulling out her homework packet, she plopped onto the living room's couch and began working on the problems. Maybe the guy would be impressed by her math skills if he saw her improvement? Well, maybe not impressed since Zhuo Zhi is a literal genius..

Zhihao was struggling on a particularly hard problem when she got a text from Jiale.

idiot brother:
i'm going to be home late
just letting you know
i can barely move rn all thanks to that zhuo zhi

do you need me to come get u

idiot brother:
nah it's ok
i'm with dachi rn
he's suffering with me

Zhihao sighed. Well at least that meant Jiale wouldn't interrupt her math session with Zhuo Zhi. She really needed the uninterrupted tutoring, and it was probably better off if Jiale didn't see Zhuo Zhi again today.

Just, how bad was the training..? Zhihao asked for the second time today.

15 minutes later, Zhuo Zhi returned with a towel hung limply around his neck. "That was definitely not enough time to actually clean yourself, but okay," Zhihao told the man once she caught sight of him.

At least he wasn't wearing his gross uniform from earlier anymore, now in a more casual wear.

Ignoring Zhihao's remark, Zhuo Zhi walked to the table she was sitting at and asked, "What shampoo do you use? It smells good."

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