Chapter 36 - Brainstorming

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Because it was going to be Zhuo Zhi's birthday pretty soon, Zhihao was currently brainstorming ideas for possible presents.

While she was, as usual, essentially penniless, Zhihao still wanted to gift him with something on his birthday. Preferably something that was heartfelt and would actually be appreciated.

Speaking of his birthday, Zhihao didn't even know when she was supposed to give Zhuo Zhi a gift anyway, since he just had to be born on a leap year.

Does he celebrate his birthday on February 28..? Or would it be on March 1? Zhihao lightly banged her head against her desk. Why did Zhuo Zhi have to be so difficult?

Siyang looked over at the girl next to his desk. "What are you doing?" He murmured in a low voice, slightly leaning to his left so that Zhihao could hear better.

Zhihao just sighed. Maybe Siyang would know, since he was one of Zhuo Zhi's close friends.

Grateful that she chose a seat in the very back on the first day of school, Zhihao snuck out her phone to text Siyang.

do you happen to know when zhuo zhi celebrates his bday?
would it be like february 28th, march 1st..?

wait does he even celebrate his bday?
why did he have to be born on a leap year???

Ah. A wisp of a smile appeared on Siyang's face as he read Zhihao's text.

Zhihao tried not to laugh as she watched Siyang slightly hunched his back to text back. Since he was so tall, he had to hide his head to avoid getting caught.

It's March 1st.

oh ok
thank you thank you

No problem.
Get off your phone though, we're in class.

Zhihao's mouth slightly tilted upward at this. Typical Siyang behavior.

     ♡ by siyang

True to her words, Zhihao set down her phone. At least that was one problem solved. Now she just had to figure out what to actually get Zhuo Zhi.

She spent the rest of class with her head propped against the palm of her hand, thinking.


Math class wasn't particularly helpful either because Zhihao was distracted from thinking about Zhuo Zhi, by none other than Zhuo Zhi himself.

The guy kept flicking his eraser shavings toward her with an innocent smile, interrupting her thoughts.

And the worst part was, he always timed it so that Mr. Lin would turn around just as Zhihao was about to retaliate, so Zhihao was to make do with a glare each time.

Doing her best to ignore Zhuo Zhi who was now just stretching as widely as possible to 'accidentally' kick Zhihao's seat, Zhihao leaned back into her chair.

Well, let's go over what Zhuo Zhi likes first. Should be easy enough. He likes Xiǎo Yu, so I guess his close friends and family. Okay so maybe spend some personal time with him then, Zhihao noted. So far this was off to a good start.

She glanced at the guy who finally gave up on trying to grab her attention and was now actually working on math. He also really likes his hair, Zhihao thought with a snort as she admired his hair as well. Maybe some new hair gel or shampoo..

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