Chapter 29 - Math

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Zhihao was nervous when she went back to school now that the weekend was over. While she just made up with Zhuo Zhi, she wasn't sure if this meant that he would start talking to her again.

Thankfully, it did.

Her worries were soon put to ease when Zhuo Zhi math to make silly faces at her whenever their math teacher wasn't looking, trying to make her laugh so she'd get in trouble.

He even began throwing paper balls at her head again, which was just a little less appreciated. At least the notes on them had tiny sketches of cats in the corners.

When Zhuo Zhi wasn't looking, Zhihao secretly pocketed every single one of these notes he threw at her, so she could appreciate the more at home later.

In response to his cat drawings, Zhihao would throw back notes with even better sketches of cute dogs, innocently lobbing them just out of Zhuo Zhi's reach so he would have to lean over to reach them.

It was absolutely hilarious to her, to see the guy struggle so hard to inconspicuously pick the notes up from the ground without drawing Mr. Lin's attention.

Zhihao had to bunch her back out of Mr. Lin's sight to hide the incontrollable shaking of her shoulders when she saw Zhuo Zhi faking a stretch, extending his legs out to subtly nudge the note towards himself, just to kick it even further away.

After another few attempts and exaggerated stretches, Zhuo Zhi ended up just sliding under his desk when Mr. Lin wasn't looking, quickly snatching the note off the floor before sitting back up.

All that effort, just for the note to have only a crude drawing of a turd. It had taken all of Zhihao's effort to keep herself from bursting into laughter at the sight of Zhuo Zhi's disappointed face.

Rolling his eyes, Zhuo Zhi grabbed his phone, opting to send a text rather than playing this note game again.

Hilarious, truly.
For an 8 year old, I mean.

Zhihao grinned as she took out her phone too.

a masterpiece, if u will

I won't.

Zhihao was just about to give Zhuo Zhi a piece of her mind when her name was called out in an unnecessarily loud fashion.

"Tang Zhihao! Get off your phone this instant and I'll consider only making you stay for lunch and not also after school!" Oops.

Zhihao sheepishly slide her phone back into her backpack, giving Zhuo Zhi a side eye as she did so.

And just because Zhuo Zhi was grinning at her for getting caught, she refused to make eye contact with him for the rest of class.

When class was finally dismissed, Zhihao sullenly sat in her seat, watching as the rest of her classmates got up for lunch. Except Zhuo Zhi of course, who was dragging out his leave with a very amused look on his face.

Leave it to Zhuo Zhi to find joy in Zhihao's suffering.

Mr. Lin fondly waited as Zhuo Zhi slowly packed up his things, telling him how much he appreciated his 'star student' and how great it was to have the genius in his class.

The man was only inflating Zhuo Zhi's ego, clearly shown by the cheeky smirk on Zhuo Zhi's face.

Mr. Lin especially made sure to emphasize how Zhuo Zhi was a role model to all the students in the school, and how others should follow his good behavior, which made Zhihao snort hard.

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