Chapter 20 - Holiday Special (1)

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The first semester finally ended with a week (and a half) long winter break, much to the relief of Zhihao. Thank goodness chemistry was finally over with.

For the majority of the break, Zhihao just lazed around on the living room's sofa as she watched tv. She couldn't be bothered to get up or do anything on her precious break.

She did text and call Suyin once in a while, however, just to make sure that the girl was still alive.

After a long, blissful week of doing absolutely nothing, Christmas finally arrived.

As soon as the clock hit 0:00 (midnight), Zhihao received a text from Jiale, except apparently, she had been added to a group chat. Right after, texts began buzzing in from some unknown numbers in the chat.

idiot brother:


XXX-XXX-XXXX (2):Please shut up

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Please shut up.


Confused, Zhihao went to Jiale's room to ask who the numbers were in the group chat. The only ones she recognized were Jiale's and Dachi's.

With an understanding "oh", Jiale quickly explained. "The one who sent that picture like an old man is Qiao Chen, the one underneath is Baiyang, and the other number is Zhuo Zhi."

Zhihao laughed. Honestly, she should've known, between the rivalry between Qiao Chen and Baiyang, and the passive aggressive periods that Zhuo Zhi liked to use.

Jiale then helped Zhihao attach names to the rest of the unknown numbers, allowing Zhihao a chance to give them contact names just before more texts came pouring in.

Jiale, it's literally midnight, couldn't this have waited?

qiao chen:
You're being a party pooper, Dachi
It's Christmas! Live a little

idiot brother:
yeah, dachi! it's christmas!

he xinglong:
Happy Christmas!!

Merry Christmas, indeed.

Why is there a new group chat?
We already have one.

idiot brother:
oh it's because i added zhihao to the chat!
say hi zhihao!

Zhihao rolled her eyes but did as her brother told her to.

merry christmas

Zhihao's text accidentally set off a new round of "merry Christmas"-wishing.

zhuo zhi:

Oh, merry Christmas to you too, Zhihao.

he xinglong:
Happy Christmas, guys!

qiao chen:

idiot brother:

zhang baiyang:
Are you guys done spamming yet? I'm trying to workout here

qiao chen:
Then silence your phone, you grinch
No one told you that you can't

zhang baiyang:
You want to fight??

he xinglong:
Guys, it's Christmas let's try to keep at least today cheerful okay?

qiao chen:
Yeah Baiyang! You're ruining the festive mood!

Xinglong's right. If you want to fight, use that energy to be productive and train instead.
I don't want any more texts from you two arguing for at least the next 24 hours.
That includes you Qiao Chen.

qiao chen:
Yes duìzhǎng

zhang baiyang:

Zhihao stifled a laugh. Even now, over text, the two knucklehead juniors were still going at each others throat. She sent a quick text to the group chat.

get wrecked qiao chen
♡ by Lu Xia

Lu Xia hearted Zhihao's text but didn't say anything, probably to further antagonize Qiao Chen, that brat.

Zhihao beamed at her screen and then happily set the group on chat mute for the next 30 minutes, already predicting the bombardment of texts she would receive as backlash from Qiao Chen.

Although, she did feel a little bad since Siyang would no doubt have to deal with the fallout resulting from her text.

A moment later, an individual message came through from Zhuo Zhi.

zhuo zhi:
And you call me the sadist?
Merry Christmas though, I suppose.

Zhihao grinned before replying, now in a wonderful mood.

merry christmas!

Zhihao was about to send another text when Jiale looked over at her screen. "What? Zhuo Zhi personally texted you to wish you a merry Christmas?? He didn't do that for me!"

Jiale started typing at his phone furiously, no doubt spamming Zhuo Zhi about this.

A few moments later, he cried out, "Zhuo Zhi that bastard! He keeps leaving me on read!"

Zhihao just smirked, before sending one last text out to Zhuo Zhi.

who's the sadist now?

The man just sent a smiley face back.

zhuo zhi:


A/N: special chapter 1, here we are! I ofc couldn't go a chapter without an actual Christmas.

Who doesn't love celebrating Christmas in August? :D

PS peep the vid at the top of the chap, Mariah Carey is already thawing.

It's a lil short cause I couldn't think of what else to put for a Christmas text gc lmao

- Apple <3

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