Chapter 35 - Love is in the Air

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Zhuo Zhi was currently doing training exercises at practice when he became more and more aware of a Qiao Chen, sitting by his side with a shit-eating grin on his face.

While was Zhuo Zhi doing his best to ignore the guy, he was beginning to become mildly unnerved by the man's unwavering presence.

As time passed on, it became apparent to Zhuo Zhi that Qiao Chen wasn't going to go anywhere, anytime soon.

"Can I help you?" Zhuo Zhi bluntly asked as he did his sit ups, refusing to pause or slow down them down.

Qiao Chen smiled innocently at Zhuo Zhi. "Oh no, sorry, am I bothering you?"

Zhuo Zhi didn't hesitate to respond "yes."

"Oh, I'm sorry," Qiao Chen apologized, but still didn't move, continuing to grin at Zhuo Zhi as if he knew something Zhuo Zhi didn't.

After a few minutes of this, Zhuo Zhi sighed and finally paused his sit ups, turning to face Qiao Chen. Fine, I'll bite. "What do you want?"

"What do you mean? I don't want anything," Qiao Chen pretty much sang. He clearly wanted something.

Zhuo Zhi brushed off the obvious lie, getting up to fetch his water bottle at the bench. However, this prompted Qiao Chen to invite himself to follow Zhuo Zhi there as well.

Zhuo Zhi was all too aware that Qiao Chen was still watching him as he took a few long gulps of his water, so he set his bottle down. "Okay spit it out. Whatever you want to say, just say it."

Qiao Chen waggled his eyebrows at Zhuo Zhi. "If anything, I should be telling you that. I mean, don't you have anything you want to tell me?"

Confused, Zhuo Zhi rose an eyebrow, but dismissed the question. Knowing Qiao Chen, whatever he was thinking he found out about Zhuo Zhi probably wasn't that important.

"No," Zhuo Zhi dryly replied. He was too tired to play these games with Qiao Chen today.

Unfortunately, Qiao Chen wasn't tired though, indicated by the very pleased expression on his face, and was probably about to further antagonize Zhuo Zhi. So before he could, Zhuo Zhi ratted out his teammate for not practicing.

"Duìzhǎng, Qiao Chen isn't training," Zhuo Zhi called out to Siyang, a small smile appearing on his face as Qiao Chen's glee-filled face morphed into one of fear. (captain)

As Siyang walked over to the two to reprimand Qiao Chen, Qiao Chen made a face at Zhuo Zhi. "Xuézhǎng, you're no fun!" (senior)

Zhuo Zhi let out a small chuckle at this. Maybe this would get Qiao Chen to stop bothering him now.

"Qiao Chen, go back to your training," Siyang ordered in a curt tone.

Qiao Chen sighed but did as told, squinting his eyes at Zhuo Zhi before he walked away. This wasn't over.

Zhuo Zhi clapped Siyang on the shoulder as thanks before leaving too to continue his training.

He spent the rest of the practice in peace, for the most part, if he ignored the constant glances that were shot at him by Qiao Chen. Which he did in fact ignore.

As soon as practice was over, however, Qiao Chen made a beeline toward Zhuo Zhi, immediately bounding over to his side.

"Zhuo Zhi, can't you just tell me it already?" Qiao Chen whined as the man packed his tennis gear away.

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