Making Music (Noncanon)

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As soon as math class ended, Zhihao disappeared from Zhuo Zhi's line of sight.

He had ripped his eyes from her for just one second, because Mr. Lin had a few compliments to churn out over the genius's last test. But when Zhuo Zhi had turned around to face in Zhihao's direction again, poof.

She was gone.

And it didn't help that she wasn't responding to his texts either.

Zhuo Zhi sighed to himself. What a pain.

It's not like Zhuo Zhi had to be with her this minute, it's just that he appreciated her company, enjoyed it even. Sometimes.

Although the girl could be a mildly irritating prick in the butt, like right now, Zhuo Zhi still wanted to talk to her anyway.

It was a refreshing change for once, having fun teasing her and getting teased right back.

So, Zhuo Zhi began searching across and outside of the school buildings, in hopes of finding the girl.

First heading to the tennis courts, Zhuo Zhi soon came to the conclusion that she wasn't anywhere there, since Jiale and Dachi were oddly close together on a bench at one of the courts, and Zhihao would never miss out on such a wonderful opportunity to humiliate the pair.

To be honest, neither would Zhuo Zhi, so he took a photo of the two before sneaking behind the bench and suddenly launching his arms around the back of each person's neck.

However, Zhuo Zhi had to retreat once Jiale overcame his shock and began lobbing pebbles at his face.

What a rude way to greet a friend.

As Zhuo Zhi predicted though, Dachi quickly held Jiale's arm in place to prevent him from throwing anymore pebbles, after he himself had recovered from his embarrassment of getting caught.

Grateful that Dachi stopped Jiale from possibly damaging his treasured face, Zhuo Zhi thanked the man and left the two alone, returning to his search for Jiale's sister.

Unfortunately, Zhihao was nowhere to be found anywhere else outside, which meant that she definitely wasn't taking a walk or something, to get fresh air.

Going back inside, Zhuo Zhi scanned through the library aisles, and even willingly stepped foot into the rowdy, smelly, gross cafeteria. But he still couldn't find her.

He did, however, run into Wang Suyin on his way to check their math classroom again.

"Wang Suyin!" Zhuo Zhi seized the opportunity to ask Suyin about Zhihao's whereabouts.

Suyin paused in her tracks at her name. "Yes?"

"Could you tell me where Zhihao is?" Zhuo Zhi asked, careful to make his tone as polite as possible. Judging by the way Suyin was squinting at him, she still held a grudge against him.

Suyin weighed her options for a few seconds but eventually answered, "She's in the orchestra room."

Ah. How did I not think of that? Zhuo Zhi mentally smacked himself on the face.

"Okay thank you," Zhuo Zhi responded with just enough civility, before running halfway down the hallway.

He soon returned, skidding to a stop at where Suyin was still standing, watching him with a raised eyebrow.

Music to my ears - Zhuo ZhiWhere stories live. Discover now