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Jungkook was in their office, going through some files. This is where he is most of the time these days. After their dad, Junghyun said, that it's the two brothers who should take care of their business, and Jungkook happily obliged. So now, he spends most of his time in the office, trying to understand each and everything about their business.

Jimin, on the other hand, spends most of his time, outside the office, just looking at Jungkook from the window. Jungkook has this fixed frown on his face these days, totally different from the Jungkook he used to know. The alpha is always serious, always focused, and doesn't want to be interrupted by anyone.

Everytime Jimin thinks he made progress, it seems like Jungkook is moving even farther away from him. After that day of Jimin making food for Jungkook, the alpha specifically told his mom not to let Jimin cook or bring food to him. He made it clear that he wants to stay away from the omega as much as possible.

It has been months since Jimin started living with the Jeon family. But Jungkook and Jimin hardly talk. Mrs. Jeon tried to talk to her son, and convince him to spend some time with Jimin, but that caused Jungkook to spend more time outside instead. So Jimin requested her not to tell Jungkook to do anything, because then, the alpha will stay home atleast and Jimin can see him as much as he wants, from a distance.

Jungkook and Jimin sleep on the same bed, but Jungkook always comes back after he knows Jimin has fallen asleep. And then wakes up earlier than the omega. What he doesn't know, is that Jimin is always awake when he comes at night, and even wakes up earlier than the alpha. He just acts he sleeps early, so that Jungkook doesn't stay up late at night. In the middle of the night, when Jimin is sure Jungkook is asleep, he just admires the alpha for some time, his fingers almost touching his face, almost. Every night Jimin cries in silence, knowing how it has been months since Jungkook talked to him, or touched him, and even though it's killing him, he tells himself that he should be thankful that he can be near the alpha atleast.

So now, Jimin just stands, looking at Jungkook from the window, for hours, not making a single sound.

"Master Jimin?"

Jimin looked to his left, and saw the house butler, Mr. Kim standing there, with a smile.

"I told you to call me Jimin, Mr. Kim. Just Jimin." Jimin smiled back at the old man.

"I'm afraid, I cannot do that, Sir. You are Master Jimin, and that is how I shall address you." Mr. Kim bowed politely.
"Madame Jeon asked me to call you for dinner."

"Does she know I'm standing here again?" Jimin asked, with big adorable eyes.

"She asked me where you were, and I had to tell her. My apologies."

"Mr. Kim..." Jimin whined, "Mom is going to kill me! She specifically told me not to stand here for hours-"

"What's going on?" Jungkook's voice got their attention.

Jimin's eyes widened and he turned around, to see the now familiar frowning face of the alpha.

"Master Jungkook." Mr. Kim greeted, bowing respectfully.

"Just Jungkook, Mr. Kim." Jungkook said, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I told you just call me Jungkook."

"I'm afraid, I cannot do that, Sir. You are Master Jungkook, and that is how I shall address you." Mr. Kim said and it made Jimin giggle.

"What's so funny?" Jungkook asked with a cold tone and Jimin's smile dropped.

"N-Nothing..." Jimin said shaking his head, but then Jungkook kept on giving him that scary glare, so the omega continued, "I-It's just... I told Mr. Kim the same thing, and he replied to me with the exact same words. Sometimes he sounds just like a robot. So it's funny." Jimin said and smiled nervously, but looked down mumbling a short 'sorry', when Jungkook remained just as expressionless as before.

"Madame Jeon is calling you for dinner, sir." Mr. Kim said, breaking the awkward silence, addressing Jungkook this time.

"Tell her I'll be there in a few minutes." Jungkook said and made his way back inside the office.

Jimin just sighed. He gave Mr. Kim a sad smile, which the older man returned and then they walked towards the dining room.

"Jiminie." Mrs. Jeon said with a smile, yet wiping her tears as she extended her hand towards Jimin. The omega frowned in concern and quickly rushed to the older omega's side.

"Mom? What's wrong?" Jimin asked and kept a hand on her shoulder.

Mrs. Jeon just shook her head but her eyes were getting teary again. "I was just..." She said and then looked outside the window.

Jimin knew why she was crying. She was missing Mr. Jeon. Honestly, Jimin had never met anyone as strong as Mrs. Jeon. She lost the love of her life so suddenly, and still stayed strong for the sake of her sons, her family. She smiled all the time, telling them how that's what Mr. Jeon would want. But Jimin knew she cried at night everytime she went back to an empty room.

"Mom..." Jimin said and rubbed her shoulder, not knowing what else to say.

"I'm okay, I'm okay, don't worry." The woman smiled at the omega and then pecked the back of his hand. "Oh yes. I totally forgot." She said and turned towards the people on the table. Only now, Jimin noticed the two new faces among them.

"This is Lee Mi-Kyung, my best friend." She said, squeezing the smiling woman's hand. "And that is her daughter, Jieun." She said, smiling at a beautiful woman, who smiled at Jimin kindly. "And, this is my Jiminie!" Mrs. Jeon said and hugged Jimin sideways, while the omega bowed politely at the two strangers.

"Jimin!" Jieun said, "It's so nice to finally meet you! I've heard so much about you!" She said smiling.

Jimin smiled back and Jieun got up to greet him properly, but before she could, Jungkook's voice interrupted them.

"Noona..?" Jungkook asked, and then his eyes widened and he rushed towards the omega hugging her tightly. "Oh god! Noona! How are you??"

Jieun hugged him back and smiled over his shoulder, "Jungkookie!! I missed you so much..." She said closing her eyes, while Jungkook hugged her tighter.

"I missed you more..." Jungkook whispered and pulled back to look at her properly, the smile still there on his face.

Jungkook was smiling...

A big genuine bunny smile...

Jimin's eyes widened, because it has been so long since the alpha smiled. Subconsciously, the omega started smiling too, seeing how truly happy Jungkook was feeling.

But then, Jungkook's eyes met his, and the Alpha's smile dropped, immediately. He was back to that cold expression of his, and gulped before bowing down at Mrs. Lee respectfully.

"Please excuse me." He said in a low voice and suddenly left the dining room, without saying another word.

The room was filled with an awkward silence and then they looked at Jimin who was looking at the ground. The moment Jungkook saw Jimin, he left. They all noticed it. But they decided not to say anything about it.

"I-I... It was really nice to meet you..." Jimin said, forcing a smile, while his eyes welled up with tears. "Excuse me..." The omega said and rushed out of the room.


Thank You for reading ♥️


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