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"So you are saying that you do manual labour these days?" Mr. Kim asked, while eating the kimchi he and his wife prepared together.

"Yes, sir." Jungkook said.

"But Taehyungie said you were the top student of your class." Mrs. Kim said.

"Yes, Mom! Jungkook is a genius when it comes to academics!" Taehyung said, excitedly, "In fact, Dad, I'm sure Kook is smarter than most of the employees in your company!" Taehyung said, and everyone on the table chuckled, while Jungkook elbowed him.

"Is that so?" Mr. Kim said, "Then why don't you join our company Jungkook?" Mr. Kim asked and everyone looked at him with wide eyes.

Jungkook laughed awkwardly, assuming the old man was trying to crack a joke.

"I'm serious Jungkook ah." Mr. Kim smiled. "You have a very impressive academic record. I'll appoint someone to assist you and teach you everything you need to learn. It's not like my employees do rocket science there. I'm sure you'll learn fast."

"S-Sir... I-I..." Jungkook stuttered.

"Dad... Are you offering my best friend a job on the dinner table?" Taehyung chuckled.

"Well, yes. Why? Can't I?" Mr. Kim asked, and gave Jungkook a smile.

"Yes sir! I-I mean, Yes you can! Of course!" Jungkook said, sitting straighter than earlier.

"So what do you say? Would you like to work at our company, Jungkook shi?" Mr. Kim asked, trying to sound a bit formal, while Taehyung was just having a hard time to control his smile.

Jungkook looked around the table and then at Taehyung.
"Bro! I have nothing to do with this!" Taehyung said, avoiding eye contact with the other alpha.

Jungkook just shook his head and then turned towards Mr. Kim, who was waiting for his answer. "I'm truly honored, Sir. Thank you so much for this opportunity. But... could you give me some time to..."

"Yeah yeah sure! Take your time young man!" Mr. Kim laughed, taking another bite of his kimchi.

"But the answer better be yes, Mr. Jeon!" Taehyung said in a deep voice, trying to sound formal, but ended up coughing.They all laughed when the poor Alpha kept on asking for water.


"No Jimin!! That's too much water you dumb bitch!" Baekhyun shrieked, "Oh my god! Chanyeol!! Stop this idiot before he makes a fucking drink of this batter!"

"Stop screaming like a dying hyena, will you?! I'm trying!!" Jimin screamed, trying to mix the pancake batter, which now had too much water in it.

"Yaaah!! What do you think you are gonna do with that pool of water?! Swim in it like a fish?!"

"For now, I'm thinking of just dumping it into your mouth, so that you shut up-- Shitttt!" Jimin shrieked when the mixer made a loud noise.

"What the fuck did you put it that?!" Baekhyun questioned.

"A mango?!" Jimin said, rushing around like a mad man, with a completely wet apron.

"But why is it making such a loud noice??" Chanyeol asked, trying to cover his ears.

"I don't know-" suddenly the mixer made an even louder sound and stopped working, with smoke coming out.

"What the-" Baekhyun said, stepping towards the machine with slow calculated steps. He opened the lid and looked inside.

"Well, I just wanted to make a mango smoothie-"

"You put an entire mango in it?! Without even peeling it?! Are you fucking insane?!"

"Oh... is that wrong..?" Jimin asked, laughing nervously.

"Of course it is, you dummy!" Baekhyun made a face in disbelief.

"What's... going on?" Jungkook's voice made everyone turn towards the entrance of the kitchen.

"Your super smart omega tried to make a mango smoothie, of the whole fucking fruit! Oh wait! We still have a smoothie!" Baekhyun said with a sarcastic smile and showed him the batter of the pancakes, " Wanna try some??"

Jungkook chuckled, shaking his head, while Jimin just pouted, glaring at the older omega.

"No, Thank you very much. I've had dinner already."

"Oh?" Jimin said, "Where?" His pout intensifying.

"Jimin!" Jungkook rushed towards his omega excitedly, and hugged him tight, "You won't believe it!"

"What?" Jimin asked, blinking at the alpha.

"Taehyung's Dad... Mr. Kim... he offered me a job at his company!" Jungkook said, smiling widely.

Both Baekhyun and Chanyeol exchanged a look, with big excited smiles.

"What?! That's Great news!" Jimin said, jumping.

"I know, right?!" Jungkook agreed, but then looked at the other couple in the kitchen, "But... I haven't said yes yet."

"What? Why?" Baekhyun asked, confused.

"Because I wanted to discuss it with you guys first...." Jungkook said, "You have helped me and Jimin, when we needed it the most... I wanted to make sure I ask you before I take a decision..."

"You are such a stupid alpha." Baekhyun hissed, "Of course we'll support you!"

"Yess! It's a great opportunity kid! I'm so so happy for you!" Chanyeol said smiling and patted Jungkook's back.

"And also... Mr. Kim even talked to our school's principal, and he has agreed to let Jimin continue his classes."

"Oh my god!! Double good news!! This calls for Celebration!" Baekhyun cheered.

"No it doesn't!" Jimin said frowning, "Jungkookie! I don't wanna go to school!"

"Hyung... you have to continue your education-"

"But I don't wanna..." Jimin whined.


"Alright alright! You two can sort it out later! Let's just enjoy tonight! Me and Chanie will bring some snacks, you two wait here, okay?" Baekhyun said and pulled Chanyeol, excitedly going out of the house.

"Jungkook... I really don't wanna go..." Jimin mumbled, once the older couple was gone.

Jungkook just sighed, and caressed Jimin's face. "Let's talk about this later, okay...? First go and clean yourself. You smell like... food." The alpha chuckled, getting a small smile from Jimin in return.


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