Chapter 10. Training with the Queen

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And ouch.

Nayarii falls back onto her backend, letting an ouch in response to the collision. She looked up and saw Syntax grinning expression, which quite annoyed the girl. She gathered herself and stood up, wiping the stray of blood on her lip.

"Did you really gotta hit so hard." - Nayarii

"Aww is the princess upset~?" - Syntax

"Fuck you." - Nayarii

"I'm only training you like how the Queen requested." - Syntax

"Where is she anyway?" - Nayarii

"Don't worry about it." - Syntax
Nayarii knew he was mocking her from the other day. She scowled at the human and turned away from him.

"Stop being a baby." - Syntax

"I'm going to look for her." - Nayarii

"Ugh. Fine, leave." - Syntax

With that Nayarii walked off, leaving the human alone. She did not like him, he's been treating her like a child. She knew if she was stronger she would be able to put him in his place. With endless of nothingness and dead ends, she finally found the queen herself. She was speaking to another spider. Nayarii approached the queen, a smile already formed on her round face.

"My Queen!" - Nayarii

SQ turned towards the sound of the voice and was surprised to see her.

"Oh! Hello my dear, weren't you supposed to be training?" - SQ

"I'm not learning anything from Syntax. He mocks and is rude to me."
The girl rubbed the ground with her foot.

"Ugh." - SQ
That information did not make the Queen pleased. Nayarii knew she was the favorite and planned to take advantage of it.

"How about I personally train you?" - SQ

"Would you really!?" - Nayarii

"Of course my dear, we shall start immediately." - SQ

Just with that, the girl jumps up and down, radiation of excitement stemming from her. SQ chuckled at the girls reaction and lead her towards a proper training area.
The girl in a stance, ready to attack at any moment. She was a bit anxious knowing she's going against the queen herself. In the count of three the training commenced. The girl surprisingly avoided each attack from the queen til she made a wrong move, leading her to land flat on her back. Ouch.

"Uhh...that hurt like shit." - Nayarii

"You're doing great my dear, I see potential." - SQ

Nayarii gathers herself and stands up.

"I'm ready." - Nayarii

Once again, the fight continued. With every punch and kick Nayarii was able to block and even return a punch as well. An hour goes by and the girls energy is deceasing. Which lands her falling on the hard ground once again.

"I'" - Nayarii

"You're not bad Honey, your endurance needs some work along with your fighting skills." - SQ

"Haha..well I ever become stronger..." - Nayarii
She said turning on her side and rolling up into a ball.

"Of course you will, you just need train deary." - SQ
Offering her hand to the girl.

She was touched with the simple gesture and smiled at the Queen, accepting the offer.
"Thank you my queen." - Nayarii
Another month of endless training, surprisingly, Nayarii was getting better with every training session. Her skills and endurance were more advanced than before. She couldn't wait to have the chance to use them in combat. Her once thin and weak figure is now more toned and muscular. She was pleased with how her body transformed, her confidence was through the roof. SQ was content with the progress Nayarii was making and was a proud spider mama.

Chaos can be heard somewhere around the sewers. The constant noise irritated the queen, she walked in circles trying to keep her cool. Meanwhile, Nayarii was also annoyed and was tempted to take care of those who were creating the sounds. Not even a minute went by, and she couldn't take it anymore. The girl stomped her way to the Queen.

"Can I please have take care of that annoyance?" - Nayarii

"Go head." - SQ

A smirk formed on the girl face, she couldn't wait to kick some ass. Nayarii makes her way around the sewers, looking desperately for the source. The sounds of laughter and object hitting was non stop, Nayarii was getting more irritated the closer she got.  After wondering around she finally found the source. The annoyances were two demons, that looked the same although with different color schemes, one orange and the other a teal. The demons noticed Nayarii fierce anger radiating from her.

"So. You're the two who have been an  annoyance for an HOUR." - Nayarii

The demons looked at one another and decided to slowly back up.

"Ugh." - Nayarii

They start to book it out of the sewers but the girl was able to keep up with them. After a while of chasing them, she was able to grab them and give them a real good beating.

"Why were you here and who are you guys anyway." - Nayarii

"Yin..-!" "And Jin..!"

"We were only trying to find something to do!" - Yin

"Likely story." - Nayarii
She said raising her fist ready to attack.

"We tell the true..! Please stop this madness!!" - Jin

"Sigh." - Nayarii
She lowed down her arm and back away.

She felt pity for the two demons. Her gaze looking intently, watching them shake from fear.

"Just leave. I don't want to see you both running around here again." - Nayarii

"YES MA'AM" - Yin & Jin

As they run towards an exit, Nayarii watched them leave. She hoped she'll be able to remember this moment, the time was able to beat up two demons on her own.  She made her back to the queen, happiness written on her face. The Queen notice the cheery expression and started to question what happened.

"I beat up two demons on my own." - Nayarii

"That's amazing my dear~!" - SQ

Nayarii was ready to take down the next demon that decides to visit without permission.


AND THATS A WRAP! Ik the last two (including this one) have been short, i apologize for that 😭
I promise the next chapter will be longer<3

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