Chapter 35

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   "You got a nice place here, vod'ika". Rex observed taking a seat next to his fellow 501st members. His eyes wandered all around. Taking in the basic household items that decorated the various shelves and countertops.

    "Echo said you guys found a nice place, but he didn't mention it being this nice!" Jessie exclaimed. "It's practically a paradise here".

I chuckled at his animated enthusiasm. "It quite literally is. It's a great place to settle down and start anew". That's just what we were planning on doing. A smile spread across my cheeks, glancing down at my ring. Some more so then others.

     "Maybe you'll finally find a partner". Jessie teased, his eyebrows wiggling as his attention focused on me. My gaze jumped to both Rex and Echo's newly smug expressions. Both of them knowing that I already was. But how committed Tech and I were to another was unbenoued to them. All four of the actual.

I couldn't help the light color coming to my cheeks nor the small smile. "Maybe".  I took another sip of my jasmine tea. Brewed fresh this morning, curdestiy of Tech. He knew how much I enjoyed it every morning and I knew he was keen on pleasing and taking care of me whenever he could. A habit that became muscle memory for him over time.

For us it was the little things that we grew to be fond of. I was ever lucky to have him.

    "Is that Tech's helmet and armor?" My body immediately heated. My attention shifted to meet Cody's titled head. His eyes rested upon Tech's lingering equipment. Dropped over the rich blue couch. Kriff. I knew Tech had forgotten something. Hunter would surely scold him for forgetting it yet again.

    "Yeah Onyx, isn't that Tech's helmet and armor?" Echo teased smugly.

    "Why is his helmet here?" Rex smugly joined in. My eyes narrowed, shooting them both a look of mild annoyance.

     "Tech? Wasn't he the one with the googles again?". Jessie asked, both of them Turing back to me.

Out of the corner of my eyes I noticed an amused and cocky look dancing across Echo's features. Irritation building in my chest. Oh by the maker.

    "Yes. He is". I answered, bitting the inside of my cheek.

    "I remember him always chatting your ear off with his endless list of facts". Jessie replied, leaning back in his seat.

Cody chuckled lightly. "You usually let him".

I shrugged. "I liked hearing what he had to say. Besides you both know how much of a nerd I was—I am still". I reminded them.

This time Jessie was the one to chuckle. His lighter in tone compared to Cody's. "How could I forget". I narrowed my brows, sending him a playful 'watch it glare'. To which he only snickered.

     "That is probably why you and him spent so much time together on missions. You were the only other person, beside his brothers, that enjoyed his ramblings". Cody remarked. I gulped.

Rex snickered. "To me he looked like he enjoyed her company more then anything". He was throwing around hints like blaster fire, not enough to damage but enough to leave an everlasting impression. Just enough to make the other two begin to ponder. I shot him a mild glare. That appeared to make him more amused. Cursed the both of them to the maker.

     "Now that you mention it, the second time we went on a mission with them he mentioned your name a couple times". Jessie brought up.

That was news to me. But didn't take me by surprise. Fairly early on I realized that I had made quite an impression on not just clone force 99, but Tech as well. I was quite certain that Tech was enamored by me straight away.

Forever my cyar'ika ~~ Tech x OC (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now