Chapter 25

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Having our ship back was glorious. The hoops we had to jump through to get it back were not. But after some...hiccups we had her back and it was wonderful.

Though when Cid eventually did get back in touch with us, none of us were so enthusiastic about. She had left us high and dry for weeks! and no apology would ever be enough from her.

     "Not sure what's got you all twisted up in knots".

Acting all like she wasn't to blame for our predicament really pissed me off. I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned my weight on the pilot chair Tech was currently occupying.

    "I think you defiantly know". I scoffed. She glared daggers at me. I glared right back.

Omega too crossed her arms. "We were stranded on that planet, Cid. We needed you, and you left us". Seeing her calmly, but sternly address Cid made me grin slightly.

Cid rolled her eyes. "You're fine now, aren't you? And you got your ship back".

   "That's not the point!" I snapped back, maybe a bit too harshly, but I was in no mood to go easy on her.

    "Yeah, with no help from you". Wrecker scoffed, chiming in. He leaned back in the seat next to Tech's. His large build overflowing from the chair.

    "Do you wanna mope or make money? Because I got a tip on a downed ship, which means cargo ripe for the taking. I'll even give you 30% of the cut"

Seriously? I chuckled to myself, shaking my head. Why was I not surprised? At this point I shouldn't be. It was all about the next mission and credits to her.

And giving us just our main cut? Unbelievable.

    "That is our standard percentage". Tech said, raising a finger with an unamused look on his features.

Cid rolled her reptile eyes. "All right. This one time, let's say 35%"

I shook my head and glared with a cold expression at her holographic figure. "For refusing to help us, 'your best team' as I remember you telling Phee not so long ago, anything less then half is wasting our time".

She was not happy about that, but maybe she'd now know what it was like when someone you thought you could trust would abandon you.

    "You seem to have forgotten my goodwill". She threatened.

My heart skipped a few beats at her declaration. So did the others. All of us hated that Cid could betray us at any given opportunity, but if we let her dictate how we lived then it was no different then the Empire.

    "I'm sending you the Intel now. Don't come back unless you scavenge something valuable".

Hunter moved closer, a cold expression on his face too. "What makes you think we'd come back at all?" He retorted. I turned to look at his illuminated side profile. Was he serious about not going back to Cid?

"Don't test me, Bandanna. Just get it done". She snapped at us before she ended the transmission.

I gulped and took a hard look at the others. Relaying on Cid as of lately was not doing us any favors, but cutting ties with her....

I glanced down at Tech. Waves of nerves were flowing out of him. I was positive he was worried not just about what Cid knew, but always what it would mean for me.

"Severing ties with Cid could be problematic, considering what she knows about us". His voice held a minor shakiness to it as he peered up at me for a moment. "Perhaps we choose a diplomatic solution and complete this one last mission for her?" He suggested before staring up at our leader. "I will not allow anything to happen to Onyx before I-"

Forever my cyar'ika ~~ Tech x OC (book 2)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat