Chapter 21

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Like on Bracca, being inside one of these felt unsettling. Even if this was a mold fitted for the Empire it still held so many memories. Good and...bad ones.

"Well, that is unfortunate". Tech blurted out. I wandered my way to his position at the control panel.

"What is it Tech?" Rex was next to snap his attention to his intelligent brother.

"Energy conduits are offline. The only way to retrieve the data is to reroute power—"

I cringed. "Which will more then likely signal to the troopers a security breach". Tech did not tear his eyes from the small device of his, but he nodded his head. That wasn't good at all. I turned my anxious gaze to Hunter.

"How much time will we have?"

Immediately I could feel Tech's confidence drop. "Not much".

Echo's helmeted face met me. "Then let's make it quick".

I shoved down my nerves and nodded to him. Determined to do whatever I needed to protect my family. I unclipped my lightsaber from my belt and twirled it around in my hand.

Hunter eyed me over his shoulder a few times. I could feel his eyes baring into me. Wanting to say something. It was the dip in his visor to my hand that told me everything.

"I won't use it unless I have to". I said firm. "But if one of them gets too close-"

"I know. Just don't use it unless you absolutely have to". Hunter warned.

"Hunter is correct". Tech replied from across the room. "You exposing yourself as Jedi to them would be most troublesome and would cause all of us to be greatly concerned". I nodded. Though he could not see it. I did the next best thing and sent him a message down the bond.

Bright lights flashed on. Letting us know two things. The ship was fully powered up and alarms were about to go off. Right on cue they sounded. A blaring echo filled the hub and my body tensed up. My eyes grew as I felt them. Footsteps far off in the distance. They were coming. I snapped my body to face Hunter and Rex.

"There on their way. We only have minutes". I warned, clutching my blade in my hands. I shifted my body closer into Tech's space.

Hunter turned to our tank. "Wrecker, seal the door". He commanded in a frantic voice.

Wrecker whipped out his blaster from his back and shot a red blast at the door's control panel. Sparks exploded from it before it sealed both sets of doors instantly. I let out a small sigh of relief. Maybe it was premature, but I needed to calm myself as much as I could. Things were escalating.

To get my mind to relax I watched Tech and Echo work to get the information downloaded. I prayed that we got everything we needed. I desperately wanted to get Riyo this data. If it would be beneficial in helping the clones then I would do anything I could to get it to her.

Shivers went down my spine. I whirled my head to the doors as voices were becoming clearer. Then a hissing noise swallowed up their voices. They were trying to get in. I gulped. Especially as a few white helmets started to become visible through the ever expanding crack in the door.

We needed to speed this up. I exchanged a knowing look with Hunter. He knew it too.

"These doors won't hold very long". He urged.

It was trying to get those two to speed things along. I was just as anxious as he was, but we needed to get the full data as well. Without it all of this would be for nothing.

"We need all the information though, Hunter". I voiced my concern to him. The panic was creeping in waves. Splashes here and there until it swept me up.

Forever my cyar'ika ~~ Tech x OC (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now