Chapter 27

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Our conversation from several weeks ago played itself over and over in my head. Tech wasn't opposed to us starting a family. Part of me was elated by it. Thrilled that he wanted to have and raise a child with me.

But another part of me was terrified. Having a child was no easy task. It was all encompassing and was I ready for that? Would I be a good enough mother? Would the child even like me? Let alone want me as it's mother? What if I screwed up? What if—

"Onyx". Hunter's stern tone pulled me from my downward spiral.

I pursed my lips, looking away embarrassed. "Sorry Hunter". Sometimes it was hard to remember that when one of us had too many thoughts it would affect Hunter.

He chuckled a sigh and scooted forward in the pilot's chair. "It's okay. It''s honestly soothing to hear you freak out about something lighter".


He chuckled softly again. "Yeah".

"Not sure how light discussing if or when Tech and I are going to have a child is. It's a big deal". I replied waving my arms around. Hunter pressed a few buttons, allowing the Marauder to go into autopilot mode.

"Lighter compared to what we've been dealing with lately". He huffed. And it was true.

Cid had tried to contact us a handful of times since we departed the planet with the crashed vessel, but we had not answered a single one. This was our breaking point. That and the mission before it when she left us stranded.

Enough was enough when it came to her. The fear though that she could turn us in to the Empire was ever present and at certain times I felt like that notion was drowning me alive. The ache I felt at potentially getting captured...I hated it. At times I found myself looking over my shoulder even when we were floating in space. On a ship.

It was terrifying, but after a few days I started to relax a bit. Loosen up. We had made it this fair not being detected. Maybe we could make it. I had to have faith. Especially if I wanted a future with Tech and his brothers.

Thankfully we found a place with Phee. The treasure hunting...escaped I thought would be the last time we saw her, but that was certainly not the case.

In fact we had decided to accompany her on several business deals for artifacts. A few didn't always turn out...ideal, but for us that was nothing new.

I actually enjoyed having her aboard the Marauder. Though my mind still couldn't help but wander back to Cid. Would she turn us in? She could if she wanted to. And that terrified me still.

"Hunter". Tech's sudden voice caught my attention. "We are receiving another transmission from Cid".

My heart skipped a beat. Speak of the devil.

    "Let's hear it". Hunter replied before I could gauge his reaction. Though if I knew him as well as I did, then whatever she had to say he wasn't going to like.

He crossed his arms over his broad chest just as Cid's familiar reptilian figure appeared in front of us.

    "So it's been 20 rotations and no word. You better be dead because your absence has cost me a few scores".

I shook my head. Of course it was about money with her. It always was. However it was her next statements that made my stomach churn.

    "Remember out mutually beneficial arrangements and how well we know another, if you know what I mean. I know what precious cargo you got".

All of their eyes were on me. It was hard not to notice multiple pairs of irises on a person.

  "You'd do well to not assume I am just threatening you boys". And then she was gone.

Forever my cyar'ika ~~ Tech x OC (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now