Chapter 10

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Hunter had not stopped taking glances over his shoulder at us from the bar. And it was starting to put me on edge. With his heightened senses I had a feeling that he had figured out about me and Tech. Though he gave no indication that he did know. If he did know, I was just anxious about whether he was going to say anything to us or the others.

With Omega around there was no way he was going to bring it up, but she wasn't here now. Tech's educational lessons on ship memorization kept her busy on our off time. And this seemed to be one of those times. I narrowly avoided Hunter's gaze again. This time, however, he wasn't going to stay quiet.

     "You two are back late". Hunter curiously stated. There was no anger or malice to his voice. I couldn't pick up any playfulness either. Just a simple statement. Or maybe a confirmation of what he already knew we were doing. I stifled my nervous and answered him.

   "T-Tech wanted to show me something after his race and we ended up falling sleep unexpectedly. I'm sorry that we didn't com letting you know". I lied or at least tried to. It wasn't a complete lie. Tech did want to show me something. That something, however, turned into a magical experience that I would never forget.

Hunter wasn't convinced. Especially at the change in my body language. He was quick to pick up on it and I cursed myself.

   Echo just flickered his glance between the two of us. His drink long forgotten instead for the conversation that was unfolding.

It was when Hunter spoke his next statement in a near whisper, that Echo nearly spit out his drink.

"I hope you used, protection".

My whole face burst into flames as I heard his muffled voice. Wrecker appeared perplexed as to what had just occurred.   

      Tech, on the other hand, turned a bright shade of red as he realized what Hunter was suggesting. His trembling hand came to adjust his goggles while clearing his throat. Echo's choking like cough was the only noise in the room until Wrecker's eyes widened. Finally understanding what was going on.

He roared with laughter, filling the whole parlor. Then without warning he slapped Tech on the back with such force. He stumbled forward and into my arms as I reached forwards to catch him. He stabilized himself using my arms.

    "T-thank you, cyar'ika". He stuttered, not expecting that sort of reaction to happen. Or at least to that degree. I shot Wrecker a look, but he didn't care one bit. He was smirking with such determination.

    "So Tech got some". Wrecker said with such confidence. "Finally". Tech, this time, turned his body and mildly glared at his brother.

   "I would appreciate it if you did not comment on my potential sexual escapades". Tech warned. It was then that Wrecker picked up on my earlier statement.

   "Wait! Did Tech-"

   "Wrecker". I warned him, as I was a blushing mess now.

Both Wrecker and Hunter were rendered speechless that their brother was the one to initiate it. Echo, getting a hold of himself, shook his head and locked his gaze on Tech. As he stared him down I could feel the protective big brother in him rising up. In his eyes I was as much his blood sister as Tech was his actual blood brother. That also met he was very protective of me.

As much as I appreciated his concern for me, he had no reason to worry. Especially when it came to Tech. He was the most gentle of his brothers. He wouldn't hurt me unintentionally.

    "He did didn't he!" Wrecker exclaimed. I covered my bright red face with both of my hands and buried myself in Tech's chest.

   "If you must know, if only to quiet your curious mind and to distance ourselves from this conversation, then yes. I was the one to initiate it". Tech's vocal confirmation sent a shock wave once again through his brothers.

Forever my cyar'ika ~~ Tech x OC (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now