Chapter 2

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In the parlor the rest of the squad was seated around the bar, discussing without a doubt the mission. I dropped my hand from Tech's and crossed my arms over my chest, shifting my weight to one side. Out of the corner of my eye I watched as Tech eyes observed my hip movements. Curse the maker, now was not the time. He caught me peering at him and quickly averted his gaze. Embarrassed to be caught in the act.

    "What are you guys up to?" I questioned them. The squad turned around, surprised to see that Tech and I had appeared after our small walk. Hunter was still nowhere in sight. He was probably weighing the options in his head about our next task. The same thing, I had a hunch, these boys were doing here. Wrecker rubbed the back of his neck, struggling to find the words to tell us. As if on queue, Hunter descended the stairs, his face neutral until he spotted us. Now he was intrigued yet on edge.

   "What's going on here?"

   "I just asked them, though I have a feeling your not going to like it". I pointed out, looking over at him.

   "Uhh, well, we took a...we umm took a vote and we wanna go after the war chest". Yup, I was right. Hunter didn't like it.

   "It's unanimous. Even killjoy over here agreed". Cid said. My gaze darted to Echo. I thought for sure he'd be completely against it. Especially after what Dooku did to my home. He visibly cringed at her nickname. Not happy about it. It was then that Echo became aware of me staring at him and he flickered his stare to another direction.

I sighed deeply. I wasn't upset with him for wanting to go after it. I knew Echo long enough to know that he wouldn't do it unless he had a good reason to. Though it did stir something up in me.

   "We've stayed off the Empire's radar since Kamino. Why in the world would we chance it now?"

   "Because the contents of just one of those containers would be worth more than all the jobs you've pulled for me combined". She explained to us. Even if we only got a small cut, that still was a big score for us. With the galaxy changing more and more each day that amount of money would greatly help. It was her next statement that I did not take too kindly to. "You can buy your freedom".

Hunter wars quick to respond. His expression tight. "Were already free". If that were only true.

Cid scoffed at him, crossing her short arms over her chest. "Its cute you think that. Clearly your not paying attention to what's happening out there, but I am. Its only a matter of time before the Empire comes here". The very idea that they'd eventually come here sent a cold chill down my spin. I hated how much truth her words held. "And then my little operation is over, which means no more jobs for you".

    "She does have a valid point". At Tech's words, Hunter's face started to release its tightness. I, however was still as conflicted as before. We needed the money for supplies, but the thought of sending foot in his castle...I did not enjoy it one bit. But if the Empire came here and we had no means to get out...that situation seemed worse. If Tech, however thought that this mission to be not as risky as previous ones then maybe we'd be alright. Without a doubt concern laying in him about taking me to an Imperial occupied planet. Meaning it took a lot for him to agree to this.

    "You wanna really be free? Then pull off this heist and you'll have the means to disappear. No more risky missions. No more living hand to mouth. You can have a future. Isn't that what your after?" Both me and Hunter glanced over at Omega.

She deserved so much more then this. She deserved to be able to play with other children and live a normal life. Not be on the run with us. With this war chest we could give it to her. I sighed. We needed to do this for her.

Forever my cyar'ika ~~ Tech x OC (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now