Chapter 24

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I closed my eyes for a moment. Then took in a deep breath and focused on the sounds of Omegas presence further in our rocky prison. It wasn't too far in that I located her. Her small figure was curled up against some rocks.

"Omega". I approached her gently and placed my body next to hers on the smooth rocks. "I'm sorry about Tech". She continued to stare at the ground, but swiped at her nose. Her sniffles filling the surrounding air.

"It's like he doesn't care". She muttered. "About Echo, the ship..."

I let out a deep long sigh. "He does care, Omega".

She glanced over at me, confusion lingering in her eyes. "Then why doesn't he say he does?!"

I titled my head up, laying it flesh against the rock walls and looked up at the ceiling. "Tech processes things a certain way that is different from you or me or even Hunter. He can have a difficult time expressing how he truly feels about things. Even certain situations. He tends to use logic and facts as his reasonings behind his choices". I explained to her.

She glanced away for a moment, her mind processing what I was telling her. "But why doesn't he say that?"

Another sigh. "He's not used to being open or vulnerable with people. Frankly talking to people can be tedious for him sometimes. His mind is wired distinctly different from his brothers, per his mutation". I faced her. "So emotions and feelings are second nature to him and can be more stiff then yours or mine, but that doesn't mean he doesn't care or show them. He does, just not in the conventional sense".

From her wavering facial expression she seemed to be soaking it all in and understanding what I was saying. Tech did care, just in his own way. He always would. His way of conveying it though was unique to him.

She still however seemed unsure about something from her furrowed brows. "But he's open with you".

I softly smiled to her. "That is because Tech and I are force bonded. To the force we are one. Meaning that I can sense what he is feeling and vise versa".

"Does that mean you could feel what he felt when Echo left?" She asked straightening out her legs.

I slowly nodded my head. "I did, yes".

"Was he upset?"

I again nodded. "He was. For Tech, Echo was the closest one to him. They both enjoyed bickering and working on repairs to the ship. I think he found a kinship with Echo". They were the most similar to one another it seemed. When Echo joined, the two of them seemed to fall into a routine. Something about Echo intrigued Tech and soon they become good friends. They relied on one another in many ways.

"And I think for him, Echo was what he needed. Someone who understood him in several ways that the others didn't".

"Kind of like how you understand Tech in different ways". Omega added.

"Yeah". My cheeked flushed a dusty rose color. "Something like that".

   "Omega". Tech's sudden voice startled us both. He had an apologetic look about him as he slowly stepped closer to her. "Onyx is correct. I may process thoughts and feelings differently from you or others, but that does not mean I feel any less then you do". I pursed my lips together as a smile broke our across them. His tone was gentler. Like a feather blowing in the wind. He was taking on a more softer tone to make things clear to Omega.

      "Echo..even Crosshair made their choices and we-I have to accept that. It's...difficult yes".

I had considered that, wondering how they all had felt about Crosshair's decision to stay with the Empire. All of them had hardened themselves to the cause that once it was all over..what was next?

Forever my cyar'ika ~~ Tech x OC (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now