Chapter 26

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Our walking pace quickly turned into a run as we raced down the corridors of the vessel. "I suspect this is some type of research vessel". Tech informed the other three. His voice was too calm for my liking given how serious the situation was.

And the fact that whatever was aboard was still here and it was no doubt pissed and hungry. However, I had no plans to be it's next meal. Nor did the others I would beat credits on it.

    "Whatever they were researching just got loose". Omega responded from our com device.

I cursed myself. Again we had put her in a dangerous path. Though that seemed to be our life as of lately, I still hated that for her. And yes, ourselves.

     "And it's headed your way". Hunter added.

That made my heart beat quicken. I could feel it racing as the adrenaline pumping throughout my body propelled me forward. I gripped my blade in my right hand tighter until we rounded the next corner. I felt my body freeze in place at the scene before our very eyes. They widened at the known creature feasting upon the ship's electricity station.

My mind went blank as what I knew all too well came to me full force. How was this possible? I thought we had gotten rid of the last one? I gulped as I stared it down. There was no way my blade was going to be able to cut through it. Let alone leave a mark in it's tough hide.

Knowing all of this filled me with dread.


My whole body was chanting at me, urging me.


    "Fascinating". Tech muttered softly with such starry and wonder-filled eyes. He was captivated by it.

My body, however, reacted to him. The way his lips had spoken that single word lite a flame in the lower portion of my stomach. Heat plumed into my cheeks, but now was not that time.

Though I desperately wished he'd say that singular word in that specific tone towards me. I shook my head. Dammit Onyx. Nows not the time!

The rest of our team stood on the opposite side from us. They too were taking in the massive structure of said creature. The three of them aimed their weapons at it and started to fire. Giving me no time to warn them that there blasters would be utterly useless. Not even my blade could mark it.

    "Get behind me". Tech shouted at me as he angled his blaster to the electric source. Following his point of trajectory my pupils doubled in size. "Take cover!"

     "Tech wait-" it was too late. Tech's shot hit the tank. He turned around, pulling me into his chest, using his body to shield me from the blast. His armored body taking most of the impact. A explosion of bright lights overtook our senses for a moments before it went dim.

Scanning the surrounding area, just what I feared had happened. The massive hole in the hull of the ship provided a perfectly free escape route for the creature. Now it was free to roam the surface of the planet.

And judging from the roars moving further away it had set its sights on the populated village and its electricity source. Kriff. I nervously raked my fingers through my hair. This was bad.

I met Hunter's panicked stare. "What the hell was that thing?"

"A creature that should be dead". I answered, still visible shaken.

"How do we stop it?" Omega asked looking up at us.

I let out a deep exhale. "It's skin is pretty much impenetrable. Your blasters won't work on it. Even my lightsaber has little to no affect". I informed them.

Forever my cyar'ika ~~ Tech x OC (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now