Chapter 17

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The Wookiees welcomed us with open furry arms into their huts. Wanting us to gather around for food and conversation. For the others understanding them was difficult, nearly impossible. For me however, it was nice to talk with them. Getting to see how they lived once again and understanding what the war was like for them.

It was not the first time I had seen the war from an outside perspective. From the battles on Ryloth to the many neutral star systems, the war did just as much harm as good. So many lives were lost just to gain and keep the peace.

As a Jedi we were sworn to be peace keepers, but with the war we became something else entirely. It was not what I had signed up for, nor what I trained for in the beginning. However, like the flow of the force, I had embraced it. Though I wondered at times should I have? Or if I was okay with such a drastic change?

It was no secret that the Council was wrong at times. Not just in their laws about attachments, but in how they treated so many other issues. Including Ashoka.

They turned their backs on her so quickly, as if she hadn't put her life into the cause. She trusted the council and the Republic and they failed her when she needed them most.

I sighed. Just like they failed me, when my home planet was being attacked. Burned beyond Recognition.

So many of us put our faith into a system that was beginning to crumble under our very noses. To an evil we couldn't even sense. I pulled my knees closer to my chest.

Maybe Crosshair was right.

Maybe it was the Republic's time to fall. Though if it was meant to be, I wished it didn't have to be at the slaughter of the Jedi or the mindless violation of the galactic army of the Republic. Those lives were innocent. Their blood did not need to be spilled.

My stomach twisted into tighter knots with every negative thought. I knew I couldn't fault the whole Republic for their downfall. So many of us did not know what was transpiring underneath us. And if we did, was it ever shared....

Approaching footsteps caught my attention, pulling my thoughts away from me.

"I know that look".

No force bond was needed between me and Echo. With one glance he could read me like an open book. I missed the more vulnerable moments we had shared between us.

"What look?" I amused him, playing along. Though in this moment, with my previous thoughts still so fresh, it felt more like an act I was putting on.

"When your thinking deep about something". He sighed. "And it's usually not always good. I know how your mind wonders, Onyx". He placed his hand on my knee. A single glance up at him gave away everything I was holding in/ questioning. I signed in defeat, a half hearted smile graced my lips.

There was no need for further words about it. Echo knew how I felt about it. As did I with him. There was nothing wrong with questioning how things were in the days of the Republic. Like with what I said to Crosshair, It was never a perfect system. It, like everything else in the galaxy had its forthcomings. It's faults.

And like many other ancient civilizations, it crumbled and fell. Nothing, unfortunately was built to last forever. Like the days of the high republic, the days of the clone wars came to pass.
Now it was only a matter of time before the Empire too caved to its power hungry devices. Though it was a matter of when...

"You did always know how to read me". I hummed. Echo kneaded his thumb into my kneecap.

"Comes with spending so many nights on different planets with you around a fire". His lips curled upwards. "Besides your eyes give you away". He pointed out.

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