Chapter 14

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     Enough was enough. I had to come clean and tell the others. Tech already knew that my force powers were fluctuating the last few months. His constant worry was made apparent to me on most missions.

And Hunter...he knew something was up with me. It was only a matter of time before Echo too picked up on it. No doubt he probably already had. Especially after my lack of senses during our treasure hunting escapade. I was going to burn a line through my floor if I didn't stop pacing back and forth while contemplating telling them.

I sighed and finally stopped my feet. I shook my head. My ponytails hitting the sides of my head in frustration. No more options were left. Coming clean, especially after what happened was the best idea now. Tech would certainly agree.

I couldn't keep running from it anymore. Not that I was trying to, at least. Locking myself in my room the minute we got back to Ord Mantell was more then likely a give away to the squad that something was up with me.

   It was perplexing to them as it was to me. Yes I had gotten blocks of the force before, it was not uncommon in Jedi, but not to this extent. Yes your emotions fluctuated the powers you used, but to this degree? I had never heard of it happening or at least it was unknown to me. And what had caused it to happen?

Kamino was nearly a year ago and while the nightmares came with its destruction, the out of ailment powers within me did not. That had become a recent revelation and I wanted to know why. Needed to know why. Why now? What had changed recently? What had I done that had triggered this response?

   I shook my head again. Frustration was building up inside me and the only way to relieve it was through mediation. No answer had come from this practice recently, but all I could do was to keep on trying. For all I knew the next one could produce the desired answers I was hoping for. All I had to do was concentrate and let the natural energy of the environment flow into me. And that's what I did. Legs crossed across the cold metal ground, eyes shut, I breathed in and out slowly and let all my others thoughts leave my body.



Everything was gone. Faded into the background. I searched for what I was looking for through the endless sea of knowledge. I let the sounds of the earth around me guide me to my chosen path.

And then blackness filled my vision so suddenly. A black inky picture consumed me. Latched onto me and wouldn't let me go.

And then flashes of a figure in pain. I gripped my head as the pain became unbareable. A cold wave rushed over me so suddenly making my body react instantly. I clutched myself, shivering immediately all over. Goosebumps were forming on the top of my purple skin. The once dark silhouetted figure was being chipped away at to reveal his true identity. I audible gasped as I saw who was flashing before my eyes.


He was experiencing pain...loss...anger. At the same time.

And he was cold. Nearing the levels one should never be at. Hypothermia was just in his reach.

Flickers of the environment around he filled my gaze. Fields of snow encased his body and...another's? Another clone? I couldn't tell. His face was concealed by the inky darkness that was still around them. Flashing in and out as if to conceal the full image from me, but why?
And then it hit me. Full force.

I could feel his pain. Sense it. As if it was my own. The severe death of cold he was experiencing was beyond anything I had witnessed before. He was was slowly dying. Every breath he took brought him closer to death. Heat was escaping from his body at a rapid pace and I couldn't fathom what I was seeing...
Was this the past?
The present?
Or was I seeing something yet to come for him?

Forever my cyar'ika ~~ Tech x OC (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now