Ethan and Lily- The first encounter

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Ever heard of the song 'Love Story' by Taylor Swift? I bet you have. I don't think there is anyone who has not listened to and sang along this song at least once in their lives. But have you ever lived through an experience that resonates exactly with the song's lyrics?

Well, let me take you through a story that is true and yet unbelievable. That is sweet yet makes your heart break many times. That will frustrate you but in the end,  it would make you believe in the power of destiny and true love. And where does Taylor Swift's song fit in? Well, our story starts exactly from the point where the song starts from.

Our characters were both young when they first saw each other as well. 

Ethan and Lily's first encounter occurred when they were at quite tender ages. Despite a significant age gap of seven years, something inexplicable ignited within them during that initial interaction. It was as if an unspoken understanding passed between them, a connection neither of them could grasp at the time.

As they conversed, an unusual comfort settled in the air, wrapping around them like an old, cherished blanket. It was an uncanny sensation, as though they had known each other for lifetimes, not just moments. The awkwardness one might expect from a first meeting was conspicuously absent, replaced by an ease that surprised them both.

Ethan, in his early twenties, cut a striking figure. He stood tall with a commanding presence, his features finely sculpted. His deep-set eyes seemed to take in everything around him, bearing a keen observer's gaze that refrained from passing judgment. A perpetual seriousness marked his expression, lending a stern air to his chiseled, clean-shaven jaw. It was this unyielding demeanor that often led others to mistakenly label him as arrogant.

His slender, straight nose complemented his overall appearance, adding to the allure of his countenance. An intriguing habit of absentmindedly raking his fingers through his hair punctuated his moments of deep thought or intense fascination—a gesture he found himself making more often than not, as if he had little control over it.

Lily, in stark contrast to Ethan, embodied a quiet and uncertain demeanor. Her name seemed a perfect reflection of her character—fragile and delicate. In her teenage years, she was of petite stature, easily fading into the background amidst a bustling crowd, often escaping notice. Yet, there was an undeniable magnetic quality about her, drawing people towards her like a gentle force of nature.

Despite popular opinion that regarded her as a beauty, Lily considered herself quite average, as most teenagers do. She admired two things about her though. Her almond-shaped brown eyes bore a wisdom beyond her years, a stark contrast to the typical traits of her peers. The second source of her affection was her hair, which she cherished and pampered with unwavering dedication. 

Despite her beauty and captivating qualities, Lily harbored an incessant doubt within herself. She couldn't help but question her own worth, and it was a sentiment that lingered in the background of her thoughts. In conversations and quiet moments alike, she often sought reassurance from those around her, a reminder that she held a value all her own. Her tendency to overthink would unravel into a state of inner turmoil, compelling her to act impulsively just to alleviate the overwhelming uncertainty that plagued her. Words were her lifeline, a beacon of clarity in a sea of apprehension.

As the saying goes, opposites attract, and so it was when Ethan and Lily first encountered each other at a mutual friend's Birthday party. Their conversation was simple, a casual exchange that encompassed the intriguing connection forming beneath the surface.

Lily learned that Ethan hailed from another city and was visiting Andrew during the university holidays. Andrew, a childhood friend of Ethan's, had grown up with him in Everwood. However, due to family obligations, Andrew had recently transferred to a university in Eldertown. His family had relocated there several years prior, and it was Andrew's decision to join them in the bustling city.

Ethan's family resided in a picturesque farmhouse, nestled amidst lush greenery and breathtaking landscapes—a testament to the very essence of Everwood itself. The city lived up to its name, resonating throughout its very structure. With stunning fields and farms, a verdant environment, and dense forests, it was a place where nature's beauty reigned supreme.

The weather in Everwood was nothing short of romantic, its gentle breezes and temperate climate adding to the city's allure. The atmosphere was imbued with tranquility, and its inhabitants mirrored the quietude that enveloped the surroundings. Anyone who ventured into this idyllic haven couldn't help but feel a profound sense of peace and calm.

'So, you've always lived in Eldertown?' Ethan inquired, his curiosity evident.

'Yeah, I've been here my whole life,' Lily replied. 'And you? You've never left Everwood, have you?'

'Not really,' Ethan admitted. 'While I've ventured to a few other cities from time to time, Everwood has always felt like home. It's as if the city molds itself to fit my temperament perfectly. So, yes, you could say I've been an Everwood resident through and through.'

'And Everwood is the place which you should definitely see Lily I am telling you.' Andrew interjected approaching from behind Lily. He had overheard their conversation while checking if they had eaten anything.

'Haha, yeah, you always say that,' Lily chuckled. 'Always singing praises for Everwood. Everwood is this, Everwood is that. I did this in Everwood. I did that in Everwood. We wouldn't have done it that way in Everwood. You shouldn't have left that place if you loved it so much.'

Andrew responded with a somber expression, 'I do miss home. I mean, this city is cool. There's never a dull day while you're living here. But one should have some quiet time at hand as well. A little calm and peace would never do harm to anyone. Am I not right, Ethan?'

Ethan, who had been quietly listening to their conversation, his gaze shifting between them and lingering on Lily at times, was caught off-guard when Andrew addressed him. His eyes were still on Lily, and he could only manage a quiet 'hmm' in response to Andrew's question.

Ethan's seemingly uninterested response left Lily puzzled. Her overthinking mind couldn't help but wonder if her earlier agitation towards Andrew's praises of Everwood had somehow offended Ethan. She was on the verge of addressing the potential misunderstanding when Ethan was called away by another group of friends.

The party continued, but Lily found it difficult to enjoy herself. She couldn't shake the unsettled feeling that had gripped her since her interaction with Ethan. She didn't understand why, but she didn't want him to misconstrue her earlier agitation. Lost in her thoughts, she absentmindedly scrolled through her phone until someone handed her a plate of cake. Looking up, she saw that it was Ethan.

She greeted him with a warm smile, hoping to gauge his mood. Ethan couldn't help but notice the beauty in her smile, which accentuated her purity and innocence. Instead of complimenting her appearance, he simply said, 'Everyone was having cake, so I brought some for you as well.'

'Thank you so much,' she replied, her smile still in place as she accepted the plate from him, taking care not to touch his hand. 'You shouldn't have bothered, but still thank you.'

'I just noticed that you were sitting here alone seemingly bored so i thought maybe some sweets would help.' Ethan remarked. He offered a faint smile, a gesture that didn't escape Lily's notice. As mesmerized as Ethan was by Lily's beauty, his own smile added to his appeal and approachability, further drawing Lily in.

Lily began eating her cake, and Ethan settled beside her, enjoying his own slice in silence. After a brief pause, Ethan spoke.

'Andrew is right,' he admitted. 'You should visit Everwood someday. You'll see that we weren't exaggerating. Our words about its captivating beauty hold true.'

Lily felt her cheeks redden with embarrassment, convinced that Ethan had taken offense to her previous comments. She was about to respond when Ethan continued.

'I would love to have you as my guest whenever you decide to visit,' he added, his words slipping out before he could restrain them. The flush on his face betrayed his momentary vulnerability, and he wished he could vanish from the situation. 

Ethan's alluring voice lent an unexpected depth to the invitation, making it seem much more significant than he actually intended. Lost in their own thoughts and the unspoken tension between them, they locked eyes, their stares conveying an intensity neither of them fully realized.

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