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Chenle is freaking out. He usually keeps his cool but this time, he was a goner. He kept reminding himself of the deal that he and Jisung made. They could meet on the rooftop but with no attachments.

Now he has attachments that are confirmed.

"I think he likes you Chenle. Stop freaking out over nothing."

"You think! It's not official! Plus I don't wanna date him!"

Yangyang sighed as the younger one wasn't listening to him. "Chenle. Think about it, he called you pretty, he keeps staring at you constantly, he's defended you and Yuta." Yangyang pauses, making sure Chenle was still listening.

"And not to mention, he didn't even know of you before this so he wouldn't have done all that if he didn't even have at least a little bit of feelings towards you."

Chenle nods his head. Then his eyes widen and he had an idea. "I have an idea, might not be the best one I've come up with in my entire lifetime but— hopefully it'll work."

Chenle opens the door to the room and dashes out in the hallway before Yangyang could even ask what the idea was.

"Young love. They're adorable." Jaemin commented from his bunk.


"I need your help. It has something to do with Jisung." Chenle said.

"Ohh, Jisung? Hmm, I could try to help." Chenle mentally thanked himself.

"Tell me everything you knew about Jisung from highschool about his actions around people he liked."

Sicheng smirked. "Gladly. I always loved helping someone out with a crush. Also sit." He gestured towards the seat in front of him.


"Jisung, have you seen Chenle anywhere? He ran out of our room saying he had an idea."

"Huh?" Jisung turned around to see Yangyang. "Oh, no not today."

Yangyang groaned, seeing as everyone he asked hadn't seen the Chinese boy. "Did you check the cafeteria?" Jisung asked.

"No, I haven't. Do you wanna go with me?" Jisung shrugged and followed the elder boy. "Oh, also Jisung question."

The Korean made a sound of affirmation that he was listening. "Do you perhaps.. like Chenle?"

Jisung paused. And when Yangyang turned around he saw the boy flushed and with a hand covering his mouth. "What?"

The German smirked and answered for the boy. "You should confess you know. It's always worth a shot."

"Shut up!" The two continued to walk to the cafeteria when they ran into the person they were just talking about. "Oh Chenle! I was looking for you!" Yangyang said.

"I was looking for you!" Chenle said. "Why is Jisung with you?"

"Oh we were on our way to the cafeteria looking for you."

"Would you look at who it is." Jisung's face immediately dropped hearing the familiar voice. "Hi Jisung. I was just talking about you."

"Shh! Be quiet!" Chenle hit the boy at the back of the head. "Why were you guys talking about me?" Jisung raised an eyebrow.

"Unimportant! Anyways, Yangyang come with me and I found what I needed!" And Chenle dragged Yangyang away to their room.

"And you come with me I need to clarify something."


Chenle sat Yangyang down on the floor of their room. "I should've listened to you from the start! I'm 100% sure he's in love with me!"

"You're in here for Hypomania, Chenle. Not delusion."

"Okay maybe not in love with me but, I'm pretty sure he likes me!" Yangyang sighed. "I've been telling you this since you two started talking on the balcony!"

"Well I was always told don't jump to conclusions!"

"Whatever. How did you find out anyways?"

Chenle smiled and Yangyang's stomach turned at it. Which meant the idea he had was a very bad idea that he'd done. "I asked Jisungs old friend."
"You went out of the hospital to talk to someone?!" Yangyang shouted in shock. "No idiot! I asked Sicheng."

"Even worse?!" Chenle sighed. "Whatever, it's Christmas and I get to kiss whoever I want under the mistletoe!"

Chenle started making kissy faces towards Yangyang, successfully making him laugh.


"What's going on and what day is it." Jaemin asked groggily.

"It's Christmas! It's Christmas!" Chenle screamed. There wasn't much the hospital would let them do to decorate but they did make paper ornaments. Chenle coloured a mistletoe.

"I wish we could have lights in here." Taeyong pouted. "Right. I saw some in Dr. Kun's office. They were so pretty!"

Jaemin was quietly humming while counting the wrinkles in the mattress.

"I want a present!" Chenle pouted. A knock was at the door before it opened. "Merry Christmas?" Jisung awkwardly rubbed his neck greeting everyone.

"Well, there's your gift, dude." Yangyang jokes. Everyone laughed at the boy's antics. "I saw a tree out the window the other day. It had lights all on it!"

"Really? Yuta, that's amazing!"

Jisung looked at Chenle silently asking him to step out of the room. When he does so, they make their way to the balcony.

"Oh, Merry Christmas to you also by the way, Jisung." Chenle smiled.

"Is it just me, or is it actually freezing in here?" Jisung comments as he shivers. "I knew it wasn't me!"

"Also question," Jisung paused waiting until the older looked at him confused. "What were you and Winwin talking about that dealt with me?"

"It's a secret!"

"Oh would you look at that, two people under a mistletoe together. Coincidence? Perhaps."

The two boys look up and Chenle laughs at Haechan trying to hoof it up.

"Well, might as well right?" Both sides leant in and just before their lips could meet,

Chenle woke up in a sweat. "No! It was the good part too!"

A knock was at the door. Then Dr. Kun stepped in. "Merry Christmas everyone." Everyone wished the man one back and soon the room was hype once again.


Sorry about the delay... I forgot about this bc I've been focusing on school but also sorry if this seems a bit uncomplete and all, I just really wanted to get a Christmas chap out without spoiling the ended of the story cause this book really wasn't supposed to take this long but💀💀


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